Chapter 13- The Girls Trip

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*Authors note:

 I've decided to make this into a series. So this book won't be too much longer...basically I plan to keep this book focused on the love story, while hinting and building up stuff to come, the 2nd book being more dangerous/action, mafia focused, and the 3rd book about their legacy (aka their children). I'm using the next few chapters as a transition from the proposal night to the wedding, then to the night that Luna is a boss ass bitch and gets Ryder. So bare with me if it's a little slow. On the positive side of things, I will post descriptive details of the dress she chooses and post pretty pictures so. Okay I'll stop being a spaz now, ENJOY!

*2 Months After Engagement Night

Luna POV

"You know Dino, you're really cramping our girls trip right now." I joke with my closest and longest bodyguard. "And you too, Luca. And you too, Luigi." Dino laughs while the other 2 just roll their eyes. 

"Ugh, at least Dino appreciates me," I pout. 

Luca and Luigi are brothers that have been newly assigned to me. They don't find me entertaining at all, which I, however, think I'm hilarious. Don't get me wrong, them being around me makes me feel like the safest person ever, but can't they lighten up a bit? Dino finally did, and now he's a friend and one of my closest confidants. 

With our engagement photos being published, and our wedding being publicly known, Dante upped my security. Not that I'm complaining. Dante had some business to do in New York City, so I took advantage of that to go wedding dress shopping and brought Isabella with me, so that her, Sienna, and I can all go together. We didn't want to have a long engagement, so I have been spending all my time planning the wedding. Thank god for Isabella and Sienna, they've been taking care of half of it for me. We enter the bridal shop, only to be attacked by the consultants. As annoying as the craziness is, I do enjoy all the free champagne and attention to detail I receive.

"Bridesmaids first! Ladies, go ahead a pick a couple dress you'd like to try on. Just please pick long dresses." We walk over towards the bridesmaid section, I haven't decided on exactly what I want, I figured they could try on some, and I'd pick my favorite one. I'm excited for the wedding but to me, the actual wedding doesn't matter. A courthouse wedding would be fine, for all I care. I just want to be Dante's wife, I just want to marry the love of my life. I was never a girl who wanted this magical day, that I've been planning since I was 7. I just want to be married to the love of my life. 

The girls and I had a blast while they tried on dresses, I'm sure the saleswomen were so annoyed at us, but hey, we were shopping in NYC, we were having fun! I decided on a dress that they both liked, a long black dress, with a high neckline, and keyhole back. It hugged their curves perfectly and they both looked gorgeous in it. When it came to my dress, I knew the second I put it on, it was the one for me, the girls loved it, and I even got Dino's nod of approval. 

I needed this, I needed our girls trip. 

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