Chapter 11

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It was another mundane day at office where Khushi was standing beside Arnav who has just wrapped up another meeting in the conference room .she picked up a few files from the table and was aware of Arnav watchful eyes on her but acted nonchalant

Today he wasn't just admiring her so much openly but also startled her in the morning when she found his car parked by the building where she is staying with Sali to pick her up for the office.since the time she said a yes to his demand of giving a chance to know each other more ,he has been very keen about spending as much time as they could with each other however ,work was piled up and its pressure hardly allowed them to breathe out or at least it was Arnav who was bothered by the whole scenario of professionalism since Khushi was so cold to him these days as if she vowed to avoid him all the time

She headed for the exit hugging the files to her chest, her steps paced as though she ran away from one of her fears and it was right ,she fears the growing feelings between Arnav and her ,she feels weak when she looks into his caramel pair of eyes ,she is adamant to keep a distance ,to break his brought up hopes and her momentarily awaken sensations .

Her move halted as she felt a familiar touch on her upper arm and a gentle stroke followed by a twirl around .she is face to face now with him on a symphony of oblivion ,his look was far from asking a related to work question so she shortly averted her eyes from his .he took the files from her and put them on a near chair .

"Forgot something ?" He asked as he placed a finger under her chin turning her face to look at him again

" I don't think so ,SIR" she calmly said

Sir?gentleness is in vain then !

Arnav clutched her forearms in frustration and pulled her closer to him

"Sir?you clearly forgot ,remember ...a chance ,knowing each other damn it !" He shouted

" I didn't forget anything but office isn't the place for unprofessional knowledge " she snapped

"I own the bloody office ! Stop getting on my nerves by your ignorance , if you call me that again trust me you won't like what I will do Khushi !"he pinned her to the wall harshly but she wasn't showing any reaction to his anger ,he banged his fist on the wall as he clinched his jaws

Khushi stared into his sharp eyes which were threatening her resolve to break all the more ,she liked how raged he can get when she doesn't give him what he wants but also had that urge to tame him down suddenly,so she placed her soft hands on his rough chest ,all the tension went out of the windows under her touch ,every muscle in his body relaxed instantly

His eyes went down at her hands which felt heavenly upon his whole being,They darkened in passion as he wrapped his hands around her slim waist to block every possibility of letting go .

Their bodies plastered soon in a warm union ,damn! how much they missed getting this close !

Khushi wasn't meeting his eyes anymore when she lowered her head to snuggle into his chest between her hands that trembled slightly ,this effect which she promised herself to get over had her caged once again

Arnav descended his face towards a side of her neck ,he felt peaceful finally This is the Khushi he wants,yearns and longs for .dare she to call him sir again !

His breaths warmed a pulsating area before he pecked it ,making it pulsate a little bit more and affecting Khushi a little more than usual. his lips must be a piece of heaven ! ,she fisted his black suit wishing she was immune to this kind of sensations she is getting thoroughly .it doesn't feel like it's just been days but years they were apart ,Arnav was holding every nerve to refrain from devouring her then and there .

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