Chapter 12

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Khushi's eyes shifted from the cup of warm tea in her hands to the ticking clock in the dining room,it was already afternoon like every boring Sunday's afternoon would be ,for her in particular at least .Sali has been out with her fiance to his family's farm ,despite of her continuous pleas to join them so she can get them all introduced to one another ,Khushi has refused firmly .first ,she doesn't like to be a third wheel ,secondly she has different plans altogether for today And the latter was spontaneously mentioned in her brief conversation with Sali about not coming out with them ,as expected Khushi was teased by Sali who knew what the actual plan was but has been dragging her leg all the while ,Sali had a mischievous smile when Khushi was caught blushing !

Taking a sip of her now less warm tea and leaning further into the chair ,apparently waiting for the unknown fate has made this Sunday slightly different or _to be fair _completely different .

Embracing the changes in your life with open hands is much easier than getting your mind to adopt them equally ,khushi was going through such a phase in the past days where her thoughts and actions were on a fight .similarly ,last night was freaking sleepless regardless of every tired cell in her body ,she couldn't blink an eye for hours and the reason was mainly because part of her was adamant to win over him ,to prove him wrong because in a way or another he will be the one to end what they started experiencing , the other part was desperate to get closer to him even if it meant losing the challenge and submitting to his charms but isn't it near possible ?he must be looking for a perfect match and her life was anything but perfect .Arnav Singh Raizada was eating her head up !

Every  time she shuts her eyes ,the warmth of his arms around her comes with a jolt that she gets the urge to feel it all again .she bit her lower lip at the memories.what if Sali is right about him being the right man ?shit!she should never keep her hopes up , otherwise she won't be able to take another heartache .another loss.

Earlier this morning ,she went out to get some fresh air just to clear her mind .it helped to push some thoughts at the back of her mind but they were shortly replaced with questions .curiosity was rising in her ,where does he plan to take them ?why hasn't he called or messaged since yesterday ?he was all set to spend the whole day out ,wasn't he ?did something occur and busied him ?she has seen how punctual he is ,if that had been the case he would have called at least to inform her.or worse did anything happen to him ?she gulped down at the thought holding her phone to dial him just when she was a tap away from calling him ,she stopped .what would he think of her ?desperate to meet him ?what's she going to tell him ?that she is checking if all is well ?damn,that sounds ridiculous !she can't lie hence she kept the phone and waited for his one assuring call or message .

"I'll pick you up at sharp 6,be ready 💑"

"oh yeah,wear something comfortable "

Her phone buzzed with these two messages at 4pm ,finally erasing her doubts. She smiled like a teenager receiving a note from her boyfriend at the emoji typed in the first text , He is going so far in defining their relationship.the second message added further to her curiosity, not that she was complaining about the clothing because she had no intentions to dress loud anyways but where is he taking her? She will have to wait to know.

She stood in front of the closet and chose a pair of jeans and a green top .every minute felt like ages already.


When khushi was out of the building ,Arnav was resting his back on his car,for the first time since they have known each other ,she was seeing him in casuals ,not in a tux or three piece suit but was looking no less Powerful ,no less Charming !he was wearing a plain green shirt with a pair of jeans ,to her surprise and his ,both were color matching ..unintentionally .She approached him in a futile attempt of pretending not to notice their coordination , soon when they were close enough ,both took a brief look at the other's ,he did behind shades making khushi wonder what sort of emotions were behind them ,in his heart melting eyes .

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