Rabbit/(≧ x ≦)\ /Squalo/ Part 2

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No a/n.....
-Next day-
You woke up alone in the bed with your whole body aching. You grumble and look around the room for that shark face but he wasn't there. You sat up and on the nightstand, there's some pills and a note.

Note : These are pain killers. Eat and dont you dare be late for your first mission. I had told Luss to clean the bedsheet and there are clothes in the wardrobe. So hurry up and get dress and meet me in my office.
PS : You have no excuse to be late.

You signed, ate the medicine, got dressed and head to Squalo's office. On your way there, you bumped into Bel at the hallway.
You were short and your head bumped right into his chest.

You :"Oh, sorry Bel-san."

Belphegor :"Ushishi...The princess is not focussing on her way~ Anyway, the bumping is fine, but care to explain why did you cry louder when I patted your head yesterday? Do you hate it so much you have to cry that loud?"

You looked up at him and saw that he's still in the fox form.

You :"To be honest I have no idea. I'm sorry. At that moment its like I felt an unbearable sense of horror so I just cried."

Belphegor :"Oh? Do you feel the sense of horror like you did yesterday?"

You :"No"

Belphegor :"You sure?"

As though testing you, Belphegor approaches you until your body and his body is only 1 cm away. Curious of his real intention, you did not move away, allowing him to closes in to you.

Belphegor :"Oh~ What a brave princess you are~"

Suddenly, he grabbed your waist and pulled you in, pressing your body against him.

You let out a little yelp and glare at him.

You :"What the hell are you doing?"

Belphegor :"Just testing something~"

With that sentence, he pushes you against the wall with his hands by your sides, preventing you from escaping.

You :"Wha?!"

Adding on to your surprise, he actually bite down onto your rabbit ear.

You :"Ack!! It hurts!"

After that he start licking the wound he had made. The sensation made you shiver and tears build up on the corner of your eyes.

You :"S-Stop it~"

Belphegor :"Ushishishi...Crying alr~?"

You :*irk mark*

Unable to stand his nonsense any longer, you sent a punch hard right to his stomach and sent him flying into the opposite wall.

You :"Hmph!"

With that, you turned and left.

-Squalo's office-
You :"I'm here"

Squalo :"five minutes late"

You :"Sorry, someone 'attacked' me on my way here."

Squalo :"What?"

You show him the bruise/bite mark on your ear.

Squalo :"Who the hell-"

You :"Where's my mission?"

Squalo :"Huh? Oh here...."

He handed you the mission and you browse through it.

You :"Why should I catch this guy alive? I could just kill him!"

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