New light

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A/N: this song both goes with this chapter, is a bop and has an amazing video. So after you read this, watch the video, if it is too much of a bop, you don't have to listen.

Jughead POV

Betty cooper has been my crush ever since we were twelve. But I've only ever been a best friend to her. I guess that's what it will always be. But today we are going to pops. As friends. But, I'm going to give her one night, for her to see me in a new light. I was getting ready and I took a look at my closet, looking at the bland black closet I had, but I noticed I still had the suit I wore when we went to prom together, as friends because Archie was off with some other gorl, I think he had three girls dancing with him that night. Kind of glad she is over with that crush. I put the suit on and walked out of the door. 'Fuck it'I thought as I walked into pops seeing the blonde in the corner on her phone. God she looked beautiful.

    I walked up to her and sat down across from her, she looked up from her phone and gave me a smile. "Wow Jug, what's the occasion for such a fancy outfit?" She asked me. "Just going to see you I guess, wanted you to not always only see me in my shitty clothes" she giggled at my response. 'God damnit that giggle.' I thought "well juggie I think you look great in anything you wear" she blushed as she said that. 'Why did she blush, was she blushing about me, no no no way.' I thought but instead of flirting back I faked a hair flip and she laughed at my actions. "Jug" She said pulling me out of my trance. "Yeah betts?" I asked her. "I know this might ruin our friendship and I guess I'm okay with that,because I just need this off my chest" she started and I took her hand in comfort and she blushed and smiled at me. "I think I like you jug, no I do like you, no think about it." It took me a second to process what she just said. 'Betty fucking cooper likes me haha. That's funny' I thought, but when I looked up at her, she had worry in her eyes, almost as if she was expecting to get a shot. Then it hit me, she wasn't kidding. "Wait actually?" I asked her she laughed nervously. "Yeah. Please say something" she said still looking scared to death. Instead of responding I got out of the booth put a ten on the table and pulled her out of pops and into the parking lot, the second we both got outside I pulled her face close to mine until she connected our lips and we both moved our lips in sync, and in that moment, everything was right. I pulled away breathlessly and she did the same and rested my forehead on hers. "Now Betty you have no clue how long I've wanted to do that" I said to her and she laugh was and kissed me again, this time a peck on my lips. "I really, really, really like you juggie.  For so so long." She said with a tear threatening to spill. "Well damn cooper, we should have done this ages ago then." I said sarcastically.

        We walked to the park by the river where we sat on a park bench my jacket now around her shoulders. Her leaning in my shoulder, my arm around her stomach sitting in comfortable silence until she began speaking spooking me a little bit. "Jug?" She asked me "yes Betty?" I said. "I'm so happy this is finally happening." She said looking me in my eyes now. "Trust me Betty I'm so fucking happy right now. You have no clue."

Kids cringey chapter but hey it's fine.

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