Chapter 6: Catnip

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A/N: I'm currently on vacation so it's more difficult to write and stuff. I'll still try to write as much as I can lol. Enjoy this chapter hehe~ (this picture of Luffy is so fucking cute omg >.<)

Chapter 6: Catnip

"Trafalgar, what are you doing here?" Kid asked and raised an eyebrow when he saw Luffy entering after him as well, "And mugiwara too?"

Luffy grinned, "Oi! I remember you! You're that weird guy from Sabaody!"

"You're weirder... But what are you two doing here, together?" he asked again. Killer and the rest of his crew, who were carrying some boxes, now also noticed the other two captains who had just entered.

"That's none of your business, Eustass-ya,", Law crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes when he saw the owner of the shop being knocked out on the ground behind the counter, "We just came in here to buy some supplies we need."

"Ooh! And we need food too!" Luffy added.

"Well too bad because we already bought the last remaining food and water" Kid replied with a smug expression on his face. "Good luck finding another store on this island."

Before Law could say anything more, Luffy had already made his way over to the boxes that Kid's crewmates were carrying, "What's in here? Food?"

"Hands off mugiwara, this is ours!" Heat snarled.

The boy pouted and took a few steps closer, "But I just wanna look what's inside!"

"I said hands off!" he yelled again and pushed luffy away, who landed on his butt on the wooden floor.

"Hey! Don't push me!" Luffy yelled back and jumped up before hitting him in the face. The man stumbled back and held a hand on his cheek where Luffy had just hit him. "You'll pay for this!"

Killer and Wire, who were still holding the boxes, looked at them. Not feeling like joining in on the fight.

"Cut it out mugiwara-ya!" Law said annoyed and walked past Kid, "What did I say about causing trouble?"

"What are you? His dad?" Kid mocked.

Law turned to glare at the other captain, "I'm not here to start a fight."

Heat threw Luffy against Law, causing him to knock over and fall against one of shelves on the wall. A bag, which was standing on top of the shelf, rolled over, making the containings fall on him.

Law wiped a bit of powder from his face, "What the hell is this?" he looked at his hands, which were covered in something green. His eyes widened when he noticed what it was and looked up at Luffy.

The straw hatted captain looked back at him intently, his pupils were dilating. Law couldn't even move out of the way before Luffy had jumped on him.

He started rubbing his face against Law, making his straw hat fall off and revealing his cat ears. Luffy moaned while licking the other captain's cheek and Law was sure that his face was completely red by now.

Kid just stood there, watching them. "Uhm... what is happening?"

Law sighed, "Luffy drank some shit, making him turn into a neko," he tried to hide the fact that he was getting slightly affected by the boy's actions, "This green stuff is catnip."

"What the hell is that?"

Law pushed Luffy's head away when he was coming too close to his face again, "It's a plant which contains oil that affects cats, it's called Nepetalactone. When they sniff it, it works like a stimulant, making them very... Uh... playful."

"Toraooo~" Luffy moaned again. His tail, which moved out of his pants, went to wrap itself around Law's arm when he tried to move away.

Kid and his crew looked at them, blinking a few times before bursting into laughter. "Looks like you're stuck with a horny cat!"

Law ignored them, being too busy with trying to get Luffy off of him. He wasn't getting turned on by this. Of course not.

Once done laughing, Killer and the rest carried the boxes out of the shop, "Well it was nice seeing you again, Trafalgar. Have fun with your pet~" he mocked before walking out of the shop, leaving only Luffy and Law inside, beside the owner who was still left unconscious.

Law groaned when Luffy nuzzled his neck, sniffing the catnip like some sort of drug. He tried to stand up but the boy just won't let him.

He sighed deeply, "What am I going to do with you, mugiwara-ya?"

A/N; Don't forget to vote and comment XD and thanks for reading! :)

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