the new girl

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Romelle Maximoff had never been to an actual public school before. She'd been home-schooled, alongside her younger brother, Bandor. But she hadn't had to deal with actually waking up and leaving the house for school every morning like the other kids on her block.

"Romelle! Wake up and get dressed! It's your first day of public school!"

..Well, until now. Romelle pulled her light pink sweater over her head and slid into her jean skirt. She swiftly put her long blond hair into pigtails, both connected by a small braid that served as a crown, in a way. It sounded more complicated than it looked, really. Romelle stepped into her blue boots and tied their laces, and with that, she was ready.

Pale blue combat boots, backpack, diary, and all, Romelle made her way to her new high school on foot.


As Allura Parker walked through the halls, everyone watched in amazement. Her long brown hair flowing behind her, while her light blue eyes sparkled brilliantly. Usually, she'd even have a boy walking alongside her to hold her belongings.

Today, like most days, this boy was Lance McClain. He liked her, but she pretended to be unaware of his feelings.

"Lance, darling, would you be a dear and..." Allura trailed off when her eyes landed on a girl that she'd never seen before. Lance watched her expectantly.
Allura cleared her throat. Who was she? Where'd she come from? And why was she so... so beautiful..?
Eventually, Lance followed Allura's gaze and acknowledged the same girl walking towards them. "Oh, who's she? That your friend or something?"

Allura couldn't find the words. "Cousin, maybe?" Lance continued. Allura shook her head. "No, I don't know her. But.. er, just give me a moment. I'll be right back," she blew a kiss to Lance and walked towards the 'new girl', leaving him with her belongings- and the 'air kiss', of course. Lance sighed and stood there practically motionless, with his own backpack and his crush's purse and the pain of his crush not noticing his feelings for her all weighing him down.


The first words Romelle heard upon entering the building were, "Hey, new girl! Wait up!"
Romelle assumed that the girl desperately stumbling over to her in her ever so tall heels was talking to her. She didn't see any other new girls around her. Romelle stopped for the girl in question.
She said nothing. After all, what do you say to a girl, still trying to catch her breath, that you do not even know the first thing about? Romelle just chuckled and looked away, though she didn't quite have the heart to simply walk away, especially after the other's hard work to reach her.
The girl stuck her hand out, probably for a handshake. "I'm Allura Parker. What's your name, new girl?"

Romelle hated being called that. So, why not give Allura a different name to call her by? "My name's Romelle. Romelle Maximoff. And, uh, you guessed it! I'm new here," Romelle shook Allura's hand and laughed, and Allura joined, just to keep it from becoming too awkward.

....too late.

"Well," Allura cleared her throat. "I'm the president of the student council. So I just thought I'd welcome you to our humble little school." she smiled. Allura has always had a way with people, which was probably what made her so popular in the first place.
Romelle wasn't sure how to feel about this. On one hand, she was making friends. On the other hand, this girl was way out of her league and most likely wouldn't remain her friend. I mean, why would the president of the student council want to be friends with the new and clueless girl from who knows where? "Well, thanks."
Allura raised a brow. "For what?"
"Oh! Just for...talking to me," Romelle made eye contact with Allura, and only then had she noticed how truly blue her eyes were. It would be so easy to just get lost in them...
"You're welcome, Maximoff." Allura said. "By the way, your hair is really cute. Does your mother do it for you?" she asked, pointing to Romelle's blond pigtails.
Romelle's purple eyes lit up. Allura thought it was absolutely adorable. But she'd never say that aloud.
"No, I do it myself, actually. My mother did teach me how, though, a very long time ago." Romelle started playing with a lock of her hair, twisting it around her finger. It drove Allura wild. But, again, she'd never admit it to anybody.
"Well, Romelle.. it's been nice meeting you. Would you please sit with me at lunch? I'd love to know more about you." Allura requested.
Romelle made a face as if she were considering the request—deep in thought. "Sure!" she simply stated. "Catch you later." Romelle laughed, twirled on her heel, and walked off.
Allura watched her until she was no longer in sight. Man, was Maximoff attractive.

Allura eventually returned to Lance, who was currently teasing poor Kogane about his hairstyle.
"Why, of all styles, would you choose a mullet?" Lance smirked, blocking Keith Kogane's path.
Keith rolled his eyes. "Because it looks damn good on me, and you know it, McClain."
Allura laughed, and Lance jumped in response. Keith smirked and walked off, leaving Lance blushing and stammering with his crush.
"Thank you for holding my things for me, Lance," Allura took her purse back from the boy who just nodded and smiled. "I hope that you and Keith can learn to get along soon." she added wistfully, and walked off.

Allura Parker could not wait for lunchtime.

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