Why dolls? Why perfection? Why?

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Author note
I wrote this a couple of years ago when I didn't have wattpad. But I decided to finally type the poem out so you guys can read it. So that why it might not be as good as my other.
Why do we have to be dolls
Spend hours trying to be perfect
Days doing makeup
Hours away from the family
Why can't we accepted everything wrong
Why do we have to be so perfect
Eat so little
Get told we are so lucky
And do it all over again
Why do we never listen to the one that loves us
But when someone we don't say a word
Why do we listen so greatly
Hurt yourself for them
But never listen to the ones that love us
Why do we see things that are not real
Why do we make unreal instead of real
Why do we do what other said
How about doing what makes us happy
Why do we hurt yourself for others
Perfect isn't perfect
Why can't we see that
Why do we still try to be perfect
When perfect isn't perfect
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