author's note

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me? back to write more fanfiction about musical theatre? it's more likely than you'd think!

ok so I'm currently in a production of spring awakening, and after taking a step back to just think about the show, and analyze the characters- I've found myself absolutely falling in love with this masterpiece, and learning to loveee the characters?!!

moritz is definitely my favorite character, I suppose because I highly relate to him due to his storyline heavily revolving on the anxieties that school and grades cause- so that's where it started, but in general I just love his complexity-
his innocence and naivety make him very similar to wendla- as he too searched for answers,
but unlike wendla, information doesn't safe him, but instead, scares him.
I found that quite interesting, as it's clear that moritz is afraid of the truth, is afraid of all that is new and different...
more so than many of the other characters,
yet, his best friend is melchior gabor, someone with radically different ideals and morals than what is the social norm.
The two are a very interesting pair, as one fears change, while the other creates it.
despite this huge difference, they still manage to maintain such a close relationship.
It's clear to me that Moritz trusts Melchior more than he trusts anyone else,
as melchior's always been by his side, has always been there for him.
And it's evident that Melchior cares just as deeply for his friend, as their exchanges are all clearly quite affectionate.

in all the scenes, there is just this powerful chemistry between them, that is just so endearing,
as Melchior lightly teases Moritz, and finds amusement in Moritz's dramatic reactions,
or as he gently comforts his friend, and acts as support-
the bond is just so genuine,
and I really wanted to explore that with them.

truth be told,
"touch me" was the third song I heard from spring awakening,
and the first song I heard after I learned the themes of spring awakening, and the first I watched the video of (the deaf west video first, and than the og)-
and I'll be honest, I knew there was an lgbtq couple in the show, but I didn't actually know who the two characters were and what role they played in the story-
so when listening to the lyrics and watching the videos, I assumed that melchior and moritz were the couple-
and that "touch me" was about them trying to address their feelings for each other-
tbh it makes sense why I'd think that, as they're literally singing to each other about what they think about when they touch themselves and they're expressing their desire to touch and feel something??
and moritz gets all flustered and runs away- scared of these feelings (for Melchior??)
let's just say I was rather surprised, and maybe a little disappointed when I found out all the context behind the song.

but despite the fact that they are not a "cannon" couple in the show- I feel as though the song really does convey their powerful chemistry,
as it demonstrates how Melchior wants to help moritz and teach him, and make him feel comfortable- it's clear that Melchior cares for moritz, and wants to be completely open to him.
it'd make a lot of sense for moritz to develop feelings for Melchior- as Melchior is everything moritz has aspired to be, and melchior is the most important person in his life who has given him the most support (more so than his own family)-
as moritz explores his feelings- it'd make sense for him to think of his best friend in those ways- and for his platonic attachment to his friend to develop into something different.
Moritz's line-
"only hymns upon your lips, a mystic wisdom rising with them, to shore", I can't help but think that moritz is singing directly to Melchior- referring to him- as melchior is his source of wisdom and guidance.

though moritz is clearly beginning to experience sexual desire, I feel as though he's not completely ready for it-
and more so, just wants to be held and to experience love.
I almost picture him to be somewhere on the ace spectrum- probably not fully asexual, but perhaps demisexual or graysexual- this is up for interpretation by the reader, but basically I just find that moritz isn't ready for sex with anyone- and just doesn't feel the need to partake in it.
though, he does feel a need to feel love- to be embraced, and feel someone else's warmth.
Melchior, on the other hand, is certainly sexually driven, and feel as though he is perfectly ready for sex-
both have such different opinions on sex, which adds to the story- as Melchior tries to understand- causing the theme of mutual trust and respect in a relationship to be highlighted.

so, this story is centered around the two of them working out their feelings.
it takes place close to the events of the song "touch me" in the musical.

Basically, Melchior tries to teach Moritz to be comfortable with himself and his desires-
until moritz succumbs to his wants and asks Melchior to "touch him"-
but ends up insisting that they do not partake in sexual intercourse, which highlights the importance of trust and respect in any relationship!
which basically sums up this short story!

warning- there is very mild vulgar language, with very minimal cursing (I don't think there really is any actual cursing at all lol)
- but sexual terminology is referenced, as masturbation is heavily mentioned
- so, there are suggestive themes in this, as sex is mentioned heavily
- but it is not graphic what so ever, as no actual sex ensues in this
- the concept of consenting to sex is heavily highlighted
^ so I'd probably rate this pg13 (it really isn't that bad, this is not smut at all)

Warning: moritz in the cannon has anxiety, and shows signs of various mental illnesses- so his anxiety is mentioned and described, so if that is triggering for you, don't read.

- this is also boy x boy,
so if you don't like, don't read!

- there is some minor period typical internalized homophobia, so beware of that!

wow this is long,
but since this is spring awakening, I just needed to make sure you were aware of all the topics to be addressed in this!!

remember to respect each other's different opinions pertaining to character interpretation, and ships!!


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