Chapter 2

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The shooting stopped, but in it's place was yelling and arguing. Banging, too.

"When this door opens, get behind me, and keep this up," Dad hisses, sliding a knife handle first over to me. I pick it up carefully. I've used this countless times on the dead, but never on the living. Dad picked up his revolver and reloaded.

"W-what are we gonna do?" I asked shakily.

"Whatever's necessary," Dad answered. I didn't want to hurt them, they took us in! But I nodded, because I knew my dad knew better than me about things like this.

I heard the door start to open and shot behind my dad. He held up his gun, and pointed it at the man who opened the vehicle.

I was expecting it to be Glenn, because he said that he'd be back, even Rick or T-dog, (or even Daryl, but to be honest I don't think he really cares) but I did not know the man. He had thick, curly dark hair and an angry set to his mouth. He was even more angry when he saw my dad's gun.

"Put the gun down and get out," he growled raising his own gun.

"Not a chance sonny boy," dad growled back. The two men glared at each other.

"I'll shoot that pretty little girl you got with you. Is she your daughter?" Dad huffed angrily, and put the gun down. He looked at me, and for a millisecond, his eyes flickered to the knife in my hand. I got the message and put it in my pocket before the man could see it. "Hands up! Both of you!" The man yelled. Reluctantly, we did. I knew the man was close to getting his ass beat. Dad doesn't like to be ordered around. "Now, get out of the car, slowly," I glared at the man.

As I stepped out of the car, I saw Glenn, Rick, T-dog, and Daryl. They were looking at us with apologetic faces. Except Daryl, he had his arms crossed, and he seemed a little pissed. I also saw seven or eight people I didn't know. Some were surprised, scared, or disapproving. 

"Daryl, grab her, I got him," the man said harshly. I did not want anyone to touch me.

"I don't work for ye', Shane," Daryl responded.

"Fine, I got her then," he grabbed my right arm, but before he had my left, I took my knife and stabbed at his hip. He released me immediately, and I pulled out the knife. The Shane man fell to the floor, and screamed clutching at his hip.

"Tha's m' girl," dad said.

"Shane!" A young boy screamed. He rushed over to the man. I reached over and took my dad's revolver from Shane and tossed it back to dad.

"Hey, was that really necessary?" A woman with dark hair said while glaring at me.

"He threatened my safety, as well as my father's. I'll be damned if I let him get away with that," I  shrugged.

"Are we really going to let them stay after what she did, Rick?" A woman with blonde hair turned to Rick. He looked at me and I raised my eyebrow.

"Her actions were justified," he looked at me again. "But that does not make what she did ok," he walks up to me. "If there is another incident like this, you will be asked to leave. Understood?"

"Yes'ir," I said with determination. "I'll need a sewing needle and some thread for 'em," I gestured to Shane and dad. "Some antibiotics and pain meds wouldn't be bad either," He nodded and took me over to the RV. He rumaged around a bit until he found what I needed.

"Here," he passes me the antibiotics, the pain meds, a needle, and a spool of fishing wire. "Couldn't find any thread, will fishing wire work?" Rick asks.

"It'll have too. Thanks. Bring 'em in, will ya?" I ask him.

"What are you? Some kind of child Doctor?" Rick asks me. I laugh before I respond.

"No, my mama was a nurse. I wanted to be one too, so she taught me the basics. I also read through her nursing books," I told him. I sighed at the thought of mama. I couldn't help but hope she was still alive, not matter how unlikely it seemed.

Rick nodded and went to get dad and Shane.

When Shane and dad entered, I had a plan. I sent dad to go wait in the other room with the antibiotics. I told him to take a certain amount, hoping it would bring the infection down. Next, I started my work on Shane.

"Tell me when these start working so I can sew ya up," I gave him two pain med pills. " Sorry about stabbing ya, I don't take kindly to strangers touching me," I sighed. I did feel bad about it.

"I can see that," he grumbled.

After the pain meds kicked in I cleaned the wound. I took care and time to sew it back up. It was awkward because he had to take off his shirt so I could stitch him up. I ordered Shane to rest, and went to check on my dad. The swelling had gone down, but it was still infected.

I left the two men in the RV to rest. I decided to go out and meet the rest of the group. As I exited the RV, I felt all eyes on me. I sighed, this was going to be a long day.

A/N: sorry I know it's short, but so am I

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2014 ⏰

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