Grade 8

836 10 1

Warnings: Drinking, Cuteness, and Really Bad Because I Wrote This One Quickly.

Word Count: 1.3K


 My mind is a warrior,
My heart is a foreigner,
My eyes are the color of red like the sunset

My eyes wander around the club, looking for my next victim. I take a sip from my beer scouting out the bar and tables. Then, I see him. He was sitting with three other boys laughing and talking. I smirk, setting the drink down.

I walk slowly towards the table, fixing my hair a little. One of the boys sees me coming and nudges another. Which then nudges the other, and then back to the boy I was mostly interested in. 

I bite my lip and stand next to their table. 

"Would you like to dance?" I ask the boy, showing my famous smile. He looks over at the others with a look mixed with confusion and nervousness. 

"If he won't, I certainly will." the blonde one with blue eyes says. "Same." the other two said at the same time. I look at them and notice that they looked like twins and kinda like the boy. 

"Um, yeah. Sure." he smirks. He finishes his drink and stands up. I take his hand and lead him to the dance floor. 

 I'll never keep it bottled up,
Left to the hands of the coroner,
Be a true heart not a follower,
We're not done yet now 

"So, your name?" I ask starting to sway a little. "Tom. Tom Holland." he said quickly. "You?" he asks putting his arm around my waist. 

"Y/N. Y/N L/N." I say looking at him.

I notice his features. His brown curly hair, his big brown puppy dog eyes, and his messed up left eyebrow. It was kinda cute though. 

 I see it in your movements tonight,
If we can ever do this right,
I'm never gonna let you down,
Oh I'll never let you down

After dancing, we head to the bar and he orders me a drink. "Who are they?" I ask nodding my head towards the boys in the corner that he was sitting with earlier. 

"My brothers and best friend." he said handing me the drink. "Are they?" I begin to ask, but he interrupts me. "Twins? Yeah." he said, making me laugh a little. 

He was definitely super hot and probably super built. Which made me want him even more. 

 Now keep it on the down low
And I'll keep you around so I'll know,
That I'll never let you down,
I'll never let you down. 

We talk a little more, mostly talking about our lives. Usually, I would be wrapping this up and ask to go back to my apartment, but I couldn't stop talking to him. 

Something about him made me just want to talk. He was a great conversationalist and I could talk to him for hours. 

I then see him look at the table. "Looks like they left." he said looking behind me. I turn around and see that they were gone. "Jerks." he laughed, shaking his head. 

"I should probably head home then." he said getting off the bar stool. I begin to open my mouth to ask if he wanted to hang out some more somewhere else. But I stop. 

"It was nice to meet you Y/N. Here." he said pulling out his phone and handing it to me to put my number in it. Usually I don't give my number to the guys that I talk to at the club, but this was different. 

I type in my number and he types his in my phone. "Talk to you later, love." he smiles, and kisses my cheek. I blush slightly and watch him walk away. 

This couldn't be happening. Was I...falling in love?

 You're strumming on my heart strings
Like you were a grade eight but I never felt this way,
I'll pick your feet up off of the ground
And never ever let you down,  

Last time I let a boy in, my heart was stomped on a million times and the person tried to mend it. Overall, they cheated on me and tried to make it better. So for the past year, I've just been meeting up with random guys and having one night stands. 

Which is why last night was super weird. In the beginning, I just wanted to mess with him but then when I got to know him, I don't know, something inside me just changed. 

For a minute I actually thought about what it would be like if we were in a relationship. 

And when he texted me this morning asking if I wanted to get coffee, there was butterflies in my stomach and I felt all giddy inside. I haven't felt that way in a long time. So, I said yes.

I walk into the cafe, looking around for him. He wasn't here yet, so I head over to a table to wait. Maybe this was a scam. Maybe he is going to ditch me like all the others that I want to get serious with. I begin to freak out.

I probably look so dumb right now, just sitting here waiting for someone. I was thinking about leaving, until I saw someone stand over my table. 

I look up to see Tom. And all my worries go away. 

 And your mind is my new best friend,
Your eyes are my mirror to take me to the edge again

"You're an actor?" I ask, then taking a sip of my latte. He nods.

"Like, a serious actor? Like famous?" I ask again.

"You're looking at Peter Parker. Aka Spider-Man. You've never seen the Marvel movies?" he asks, raising his eyebrow. 

"Of course I have!" I say, trying to remember what he was in. Then it hits me. 

"I'm so dumb! You're in Civil War and you have Spider-Man: Homecoming. You just look super different." I say hitting my hand on my forehead. 

"I mean, Spider-Man came out in 2016, so it was two years ago." he laughed. (This is when Infinity War hasn't came out yet, okay? Cool.)

"Wow, that's amazing. I just work at Subway and go to college. Your life sounds way more exciting than mine." I say stirring my coffee. 

He looks at me and I look back at him. We both smile at each other and carry on with talking. 

- - - - - 

(Few Months Later)

"Tom?" I ask walking into his apartment, setting the spare key on the counter. "In here, darling. " I hear him say in his room. I walk in to see him folding his laundry. 

"You're here early. Our reservation isn't until 7:30." he says looking at his watch. "I was bored, and ready to go. So I just thought about coming early." I say, now laying on his bed. He finishes up and lays next to me.

He puts his arms around me and cuddles into me. "Lucky me, that means I get to cuddle you more." he said, his voice muffled from his mouth on my shoulder. 

The first month we started talking, it was mostly just a friendship. But then it became super serious and he asked me to be his girlfriend, which was the most amazing thing ever. 

Tom was amazing. He always made time with me even with his busy schedule and treated me like a queen. He was everything I ever wanted into a guy, and I was beyond happy. And from what he told me, he was too. 

I roll over so now I was on top of him. He kisses me, making me smile. Then, he catches me by surprise and rolls over, so now he was on top of me. 

He begins to kiss my jawline and down my neck. "Hey, we have a reservation at 7:30, remember? It's already 6:30." I say stopping him. He pouts his lip making me roll my eyes. He gives me THAT look. The one that will make you feel guilty.

"God, you're lucky that I like you Holland." I laugh. He smiles wide while I start to unbutton his shirt and him attacking my neck again. 

So glad that one night stand never happened. 

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