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I laid back in the bed replaying what Sean had just told me I'm pregnant and I didn't have to go through treatments those damn men lol
I would be totally flipping out but right now my body is telling me to sleep and rest so I will listen to it for now.

It was late afternoon before the guys came by Sean had told them I was sleeping and that was what is best for me so they stayed away for the most part I was getting text throughout the whole time
Knock Knock
Come in
The door opened slowly I saw Luke's smiling face
Cupcake how you feeling
Better but still queasy
Lil Dove you scared me
Oh Raven I'm sorry my sweet Professional Russian come give me a hug I need one
He did and kissed my head
I got hugs and kisses on the head from all of them
Hey Doc how long she going to be in here
Until she can stand and walk with out wobbling right now her body is weak from not holding food down I would give it another day and she should be home with all the fluids and medicine she is getting
Speaking of Fluids I need to use the bathroom
Okay Hummingbird I'll take you
Oh boy I get another lift
Brandon Just laughed at me , he took me to bathroom I did my business and was taking small steps to the door
Yes hummingbird he said as he opened the door
Help me
Okay hummingbird I will he scooped me up and carried me back to the bed
I don't like being this weak
It's okay Pookie once you get enough fluids and food in you , you should feel better
We spent the next three hours talking about everything including Kyle they had a lead on him and sent another team to gather more information they were due back with information this evening . As I watched everyone I noticed they all seem sad that I was sick that just made my heart feel warm and fuzzy
Can I go home tonight
Pookie it would be best for you stay here
But I want to go home especially since I do have a Fabulous Doctor that will take excellent care of me
Emmalynn you should stay here
But I am feeling better
Can you stand on your Own , Owen asked
Then you stay here
Ugh Ugh Ugh
Emmalynn we just want you to get better
I know Kota it's just I want to be with all of you at home recovering not here
Well would you like one of us to stay the night with you Luke suggested
Maybe I could use a cuddle buddy
There were several snickers at that
Alright Pookie one of us can stay
Goody a Sleep over
Silas won the straw challenge he was staying with me
Oh Superman
Hugs kisses and goodnights were given and off the rest went
Sean stayed a little while longer to give Silas a run down of what I could and couldn't do

Silas got somewhat comfortable on the pull out bed and went to sleep I laid in bed for a few hours trying to sleep finally I gave up and climbed out of the bed and walked slowly over to Silas
Lifted up the blanket and climbed in curled up beside him he moved a little in his sleep then placed his arm over me pulling me back to him
Now I felt like I could I sleep now
I woke up to Silas talking it took me a moment to realize he was talking to me
Angelos Mou you sure have scared the hell out of all of us When Raven found you passed out on the floor and he couldn't wake you up all of us were frightened. And what ever it is that weakened you to that point in a short amount of time . I'm glad your getting better and even more happier that you came to bed with me my Angelos Mou
Yes Angelos Mou
I love you
Love you too
I have something to tell you that only Sean and Myself know that you can't share with anyone just yet
What Angelos Mou is there something wrong
No Superman it's just that you are going to be a Daddy
I felt him stop breathing for a second I rolled over to face him his eyes were wide mouth open like a fish
I giggled
Are you sure
Yes Sean told me today seems one of yours or the others little swimmers made it to their destination and have created a baby
He didn't speak he laid a kiss on me
He kissed me all the way down my body to my stomach he lifted my gown up and kissed my belly
Angelos Mou is having my baby
Yes I am Silas now this has to stay between us and Sean for now I'm not sure how far along I am Sean is setting up the appointment for Next Friday
I don't know if I can keep this from my Brothers
Silas I know it's gonna be hard but please I might tell them each individual but as of right now I'm not , I have to figure this out before I tell more of you
Okay Angelos Mou I will for now
Thank you Superman

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