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After two nights in the hospital I was sent home with strict instructions to take it easy relax and recover from the loss but to remember that I have four other ones that need me too

I stayed in my room for three days I went through every emotion I yelled I cried I laughed . The guys were great they cuddled with me when I needed it they let me yell at them without getting upset I apologized so many times . Kota and I had a cry fest on the last night I stayed in my room
After two weeks I went back to the Doctor for my check up and appointment only Silas, Owen, Marc, Brandon and Gabe could make it the rest were out on missions but Gabe Video taped it so the others could see
I cried happy tears as I watched the quadruplets move around and listen to the heartbeats I did notice that when Owen would speak they would move around
Guys can you do me a favor each one of you speak to the babies and watch the screen
Owen go first
Hello my little ones
The babies moved around then stopped
Silas go
Hello My little Angelos
They moved around again
Hey My sweet babies
They moved around again but stilled again
My little troubles
Hey little butterbeans
Now Dr Alexander talk to the babies and watch
He gave me a look but then spoke
Hi babies
They didn't move at all
I think the babies have already recognized their Daddies voices I bet they move around when the others talk too I said
I think your Right Emmalynn they seem to move each time one of the them talked but when I did they stayed still Dr Alexander said
Can they already understand us Marc asked
Yes and no they can tell voices as they grow the more they hear it they will know who you are when they are born it's like when they are born to calm them the best way is to put their ear over your heart so they can hear it because for nine months that's what they heard and it soothes them
Good to know they all said
Now on to the important things you are moving along just fine the two younger ones seem to have caught up and are measuring only a week behind your weight has picked up so that's good and as for your blood pressure it's back down so keep that going and as for the Sex you are free and clear to have it just Gentlemen be easy on her at first until she gets comfortable again
I saw their looks when he said we could have sex again which we have been doing other things to get our relief
Dr Alexander printed out more pictures for us Gabe took them and then we left and went home
Gabe and I have been documenting each week with a photo of me side ways with the signs that say how far along and what the size of the babies are
I laughed at the last one he took because Marc had photobombed us it was hilarious I told Gabe to keep it and he did he sent a copy to Marc
I didn't go back to work I took a leave of absence it was a easy decision since losing the one baby I wanted to bring the other four into the world happy and healthy.
Now that I was home I started with Gabe getting nursery ideas together so once we found out we could order the items

Family meeting in 10 minutes Brandon yelled
Okay Boo
Gabe and I came down everyone was in the living room
Lil Dove you look beautiful
Thank you Raven I don't feel that way
Why not Raven asked
Well I'm starting not to fit in my clothes and Yes Meanie we can go maternity clothes shopping and my poor boobs they are so freaking huge
Lil Dove I love your boobs and everything else
Ha Raven I know you do
Hey I love your boobs too Corey said
Wait I thought you were an Ass man I replied with a smirk
I am but those boobs are calling me lately
Oh Corey they are well I guess you will have to answer that call soon
Oh lord you horny teenagers Luke said with a laugh
Hush it Luke or none for you
He zipped his lips real quick I had to laugh

Now the reason I called this meeting is because Emmalynn brought to my attention that we will need rooms for the babies we have the room to add on so Silas and North could you two come up with a design to add on and what the cost would be if adding on is going to take to long then I would suggest moving into a new home
Yes Emmalynn
I would rather stay here this is where they were conceived well in some part of the house I should say the babies can bunk with me for the first few months since they will be feeding in the middle of the night
Okay I understand but let's figure out the cost first
Woah I said
What's wrong Kota asked
Nothing one of the babies just moved
Yes put your hand here
Kota was next to me he placed his hand on my belly
His eyes lit up when he felt the movement
That's a baby
Yes it's not as strong as it will be in a few weeks but yes it's one of them
Each one of the guys came over and placed their hand on my belly the babies would move for each one of them and especially when they would talk to them North had one of my favorite reactions his eyes glassed over with tears I whispered to him I know it's one of the best feelings just wait until you are holding them that's even better
He picked Me up and took my seat and placed me in his lap to hold me I snuggled in and listen to the conversation but I lost the battle I fell asleep in no time something about being in their arms relaxes me and I feel I can sleep
He took me up to bed for a nap
Don't go North stay with me
Okay Emmalynn Baby I will
He climbed into bed with me I snuggled up next to me at first I wanted to go back to sleep but being this close to him made my hormones go crazy
I nipped his neck then kissed it
Emmalynn you are to be resting
I know but I have an itch that needs to be scratched
An itch you say
I leaned back into him I exhaled slowly , North tighten his hold on my hips , he raked his teeth across my shoulder eliciting a response from me as I tilted my hips even more back to him I could feel his cock against my backside
His hand slipped around the front of me down my pants fingers grazing my wet core
Damn Emmalynn you are soaked already
Yes I am Now Northstar make love to me
With Pleasure
We didn't speak anymore our bodies began one I met him thrust for thrust he flipped me on top his hands on my hips he lifted me up and dropped me back down on his hard cock slapping down with a rush of pleasure the heavy thrust slowly insisted as I rocked my body back and forth up and down his balls slapping against my pussy creating a sexual humming across my body Northstar fingers moved to my clit rubbing it as I bounced up and down on his cock I felt my walls tightened milking him as I came hard his thrust became harder and faster until he erupted inside me with a growl of satisfaction.
I collapsed in his arms laying against his body he was still inside me I felt him slowly soften as he pulled out I had a small orgasm and shook from it
Emmalynn this pregnancy has turned you into a sex kitten
I think your right Northstar
We kissed then he slide me off him to lay beside him
He rubbed my belly and said
See little ones that's a happy mama right now
I laughed at him
I did get a nap in with North before he was called out for a mission I tried to go back to sleep but I couldn't so I slipped on some panties a pair of Boxers and one of Silas
T-shirt's and went down stairs when I got to the bottom of the stairs I dropped my phone and when I looked down to see where I could see the beginning of my baby bump I squealed
Emmalynn you alright
Yes Luke I am I can see my baby bump now
He gave me a look
See, Come look from the side or better yet stand on the step above me and look down
He did both
I can see what your talking about Cupcake your belly is growing
Yes it is and right now I'm hungry so feed me
Yes Mama come this way
We went in the kitchen he fixed me a pb&j and some veggie chips again
Which between the Chicken Salad and Veggie Chips these babies sure do love healthy stuff I can't get enough Veggies be cooked or raw one has to be Norths Luke told me several times
And I would have to agree with him.
As I ate my sandwich my phone went off with a text message
You haven't pick one yet how about this one
It was a photo of Owen
Luke where's Owen
Out on a mission
Fuck , Luke he sent a pic of Owen asking his he the one since I haven't picked Luke please tell me Owens okay
The tears were threatened to fall the panic was increasing
Emmalynn calm down breath , Raven Raven
Yeah Luke
Come hear now Emmalynn is having a panic attack she got a message from Kyle again
Lil Dove calm down breath for me slowly in
Slowly out keep going
Raven I hiccuped his name
Da Lil Dove it's okay
But hiccup Owen is
Lil Dove Owen can handle himself calm down for me and our babies
I shook with Fear that something is going to happen to my Mr Blackbourne My Owen
Raven scooped me up and carried me to living room sat down on the couch I curled up in a ball in his lap holding on for life my hands clinched around his shirt

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