14 -Revised

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After I told them everything I got up out of Norths lap even though he didn't want to let me go. Standing up I was a Little wobbly but Kota who was next to me steadied me
"Kota "
"Yes love "
"Can I have a hug "
"Sure thing love you don't have to ask "
His arms were hugging me tight then I felt someone behind me
"Hummingbird "
"Yes Brandon"
"I need a hug " he said
I giggled and said "okay come on "
He then hugged me from behind so that I was now being sandwiched between him and Kota
"Oy its a Emmalynn sandwich let me in "Meanie said

The next thing I knew I was being sandwiched between them all and I swear Raven grabbed my ass twice and Luke grabbed one of my breast both gave me a mischievous look.
"Okay everyone out Emmalynn needs to get dressed and so do the rest of you for Dinner in 45 minutes so let's go chop chop everyone "Meanie yelled
There were a few grumbles but They all hugged and kiss me as they left

Meanie had me change into a light yellow dress    With a pair of black heels he restyled my hair into a braid . Did I mention the bra and panties they were yellow too but all lace. I was beginning to feel like a banana But to Meanies styling credit it look good on me.

He left to get ready while I made my way down to the living room
Once down I saw Axel first and made eye contact he looked me up and down smiled and walked over
"Miss Emmalynn you look beautiful "
"Thank you Axel you look mighty handsome yourself"
His eyes lit up
"Thank you"
"Axel "
"Can you kiss me ", I asked him as I pulled his shirt to bring him to me my eyes never moved off his face I licked my lips as he leaned in for the kiss
"With Pleasure Emmalynn "
The kiss started out slow and soft but as we battled for dominance it took on a different feel . My hands went from his chest around to his firm ass and I grabbed hold
He moaned a little then did the same to me but his hold was a lot firmer than mine

There was a throat cleared that broke us from the kiss
Corey's face was a little pink from the blush when I looked past Axel who sort of growled at being interrupted his head was now buried in my neck
"Hey Corey you look handsome "
"Well you look good enough to eat and I think that was what Axel had in mind"
When he said that Axel nipped my neck causing me to close my eyes
"Damn it Axel your misbehaving"
"Oh can you punish me "he asked
"Maybe I will"
"Now Mr. Crenshaw"
"Yes Emmalynn "another voice said at the same time Corey said yes
"Oh yes my sweet twins double the trouble double the fun"
Brandon lifted me up in the air twirling us around my arms firmly wrapped around his neck
"My My Emmalynn you look mighty delicious "
"Well Boo you look delicious and smell mighty fine too "
"Thank you Hummingbird "
He finally sat me down on my feet slowly I wasn't down long Silas scooped me up in a Superman hug
"Hey Superman "
"Hi Angelos Mou "
I kissed Silas on lips lightly before
I was Passed from Silas to Nathan
"Hi Honey "
"Hi Peanut"
Giving him a kiss too

I went down the line giving hugs and kisses to all of them until I got to Owen who had a scowl on his face until I got to him his facial expression changed to a sweet smile his normally steel grey eyes were soft and full of happiness
I leaned in and kissed him "Glad to see you smile Owen you have a beautiful one "
"Well when I see you have to smile and beside you are very beautiful in this dress "
"Oh wait until you see her dress for the fundraiser" Gabriel hollers
"Come on We are going to be late "Kota yells
So we all went out the door
I ended up in the BMW with Owen, Kota , Axel
The Tahoe had North, Luke, Brandon, Gabe
The Mercedes had Victor, Marc Raven and Corey
Yes it takes three vehicles to get us anywhere

About 30 minutes later we arrived at a small restaurant on the outskirts of Charleston it was an Italian place
Once we parked, Axel opens the car door for me offers his hand and I take it
Man such gentlemen all of them.
As we started to walk to the restaurants doors Kota took my right hand Corey took the other hand and we held hands as we walked. Once at the doors Gabe held the door for us to go through but we had to let go of each other's hands
I was in the door first and was greeted by the Hostess who was busy staring at the guys which to be honest I would be doing the same thing.
"How many "
"15 "
"Oh you must be the Blackbourne Party "
"Yes we are" Kota answered her
"Right this way "
She lead the way to the back of the restaurant to a separate dining area
They had it set up like a square, the tables formed a square so that everyone was facing each other. As we entered I saw Sean sitting in one of the chairs leaned back half asleep
I walked quietly up behind his seat placed my hands over his eyes and said "Guess who "
He jumped a little
"Oh Pookie "
He stood up turned around faced me gave me a huge grin then his eyes travels up and down as did mine to him
"Well My Pookie you look good enough to eat "
"So do you Sean"
He closed in the distance between us and laid a very passionate kiss on me
When we were done both our lips were swollen.
"I missed you "
"Well I missed you too Sean "

I sat between Sean and Marc for dinner but I made my way around to each of the guys while we waited for dinner to be served I wanted to make sure I spent some time with each of them even if it's for a few moments.
When the entrees were being brought out I was over in Silas lap because he didn't want me to stand and he said it gave him a reason to hold me.
After all the food was on the table I made my back to my seat as I Passed Raven he smacked my ass
I turned around to him, he had a grin on his face like why yes I did do that
"Raven you realize that I now get to return the favor" I told him
He stood up and turned his back to me and said "Da Please "
So I did what any girl would do when a Hot Male offers their ass to smack  I did but I finished it with a nice little rub
Damn if he did get turned on and didn't care who saw his erection
I just laughed because several of the guys were adjusting themselves too .
Sitting down in my seat Marc leaned over and said "You are one crazy girl"
"Why thank you "I responded
He just shook his head .

The bowls of pasta were passed around but I didn't have to pick Between Marc and Sean they made sure my plate had food on it. The topic of me going back home in two days came up.  It was discussed that I would have one or two of them stay with me each night and have sleep overs at their place too

The cameras were working great but it was also discussed at any point they felt I was in danger I was to be removed from the house . With my schedule at The Hospital, Sean changed his to where for three weeks he was able to take me  and drive me home. While at dinner I got a text from Lindsey

L- Miss Emmalynn there is a party this weekend at Marshall's house you remember him, the tall Blonde build like a house
The one that wants to get in your pants
I about choked on that line

Me- yeah I remember him and NO WAY Will he ever get near my pants he is an egotistical asswipe and from what I heard he is a ManWhore

L- lol Emma okay so I take it you aren't interested

Me- HELL TO THE NO , there is someones that are in my life that I am interested in they have given me a reason to try again

L- Who do tell

Me- Well it's kinda hard to explain over a text but let's say you have meet them

L- Oh my it's one of the guys from Friday

Me- Yeah it is but not just one

L- how many

Me- all of them

L- whoa are you sure I know that you have talked about being in that type of relationship since living with Lilly and the Guys

Me- Yeah I am so sure , Let's just say all it takes is a look or a touch from one of them to cause the butterflies

L- Well then go for it just if they break your heart they will deal with me and Daisy

Me- ha you have to add Lilly and the Guys too

L- You are so right Well I have to get back to work
oh I hear you are coming back Wednesday

Me- Yes Ma'am I am

L- Well I shall see you then love ya Snook ums

Me- Love ya too Buttercup

When I finished texting I looked up and all eyes were on me
"What it was Lindsey "
"What did she want "Gabe asked
"Oh to invite me to a party this weekend at one of her friends , Marshall Whites "
"Hmm does he work at the Hospital" Sean asked
"Yeah he does"
"Are you going "Gabe asked
"Nope I have better things to do this weekend like Hanging out with some very fanatic guys "
We talked a little more before I had to use the restroom and I got up and went leaving my phone on the table.

I went took care of business came back I entered the room the guys were busy talking so I slipped around the table to where Brandon was sitting tapped him on the shoulder he looked up smiled and slid the chair out so I could sit in his lap to which I did for a little while then when he had to use the restroom I went and sat with Victor since he was next to Brandon

And while I was there some one came into the Room so all of us looked over I didn't recognize him but evidently everyone else did Victors griped my hips hard

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