[3] message

27 5 1

while you were freaking out his named popped up on the screen.

he saw the messages. you were hoping that he would ignore the mesages and all of the hearts that you sent on accident. maybe, just maybe he'll let it slide?

you turned off your phone and forcefully put it next to you on the couch. you carried on to eat your spicy korean noodles you got in a convenience store. 

your flatscreen TV played a random idol trivia show and you decided to watch it because it looked interesting. 

meanwhile, your phone made a high pitched sound and your screen lit up, once again showing you the cutest background. you grabbed it and saw that you got a notification from "instagram".

you pressed on the notification and it took you to the app. you saw that you got an unopened DM. wondering who decided to text you, your fingers clicked on the icon and it brought you to the other page.

 it was a message of the stranger from earlier. you couldn't really see what the guy wrote so you had to open the chat.

you clicked on his name and below all your gibberish it showed his profile picture and a message attached to it:

yoonho: wtf , u good ?
                 seen; 8,46 p.m.

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