[2] accident

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this seemed weird, but you didn't think much about it.

you got a cup of noodles from a shelf and turned on the kettle. while the water was boiling you checked social media. went to "Instagram" and started scrolling through the explore page.

you were swiping really fast and saw a cute guy for a second. came back to the photo, double tapped it and checked his profile.

  yoonho. a pretty unique username, i'd say. he was kinda hot (by kinda i mean a lot) so you thought of messaging him.

as you pressed on "send a message"  the water finished boiling and you went to prepare the noodles. you got your food, phone and walked to the couch. turned on your TV and browsed through channels.

you remembered that boy and grabbed your phone to text him and gasped. the screen showed your conversation. you buttdialed him. it was a bunch of nonsense and you didn't know what to do. should you apologise and explain yourself or just leave it ?

while you were freaking out his named popped up on the screen.

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