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When you said you didn't love me...
About three of a million possible things happened.
I laughed. Your sense of humour had always had bad timing and this time it was running a little late.
This was supposed to be a serious conversation.
I didn't have time for your jokes...
I asked you to repeat yourself.
This wasn't a request, this was a challenge.
I needed to know if you were going to walk right up to the wallpaper memories super glued to my being and rip them off in that one sentence.
I dared you to look me in the eye and say it one more time...
I shattered.
On the stage where our love story was a play,  I saw the roses from the crowd.
You bowed.
I was only on act one.
I should have read my lines.
Should have fucking read my lines.
Maybe the smile that's plastered to your face would be mine.
Maybe I could have rewritten this tragedy.
I thought you were joking when you called me your Juliet.
But you watched as I took the dagger and you only drank the sleeping potion.
What luck.
When you said you didn't love me...
Somehow I listed the reasons myself.
Taped them over all my shortcomings,
Made a scrapbook of my existence
Showed it to everyone who would listen.
I prayed you would listen, look,  and maybe find the piece worth staying for.
I waited so long for you to be my knight in shining armour
Rescue me from the fire breathing dragon that was my volatile self esteem.
But you said you didn't love me.
I searched for you in those syllables.
Maybe if I rearranged the letters they'd look like something worth fighting for...
Till I fell on the bed of nails,
Oh how I impaled myself a million times with the words.
You still said you didn't love me...
And somehow you convinved me I shouldn't too.

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