Chapter 10

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Lucy's POV

I only told Niall what am I suppose to do about the rest of the lads they'll just keep staring at me does Niall even know?

Niall: Lucy everything ok?

Lucy: Y-y-yeah everything's fine!

Niall: Mrs.squishy I know you I know that your not fine... we could go to the bathroom if you want to talk about it...

Lucy: Uh no I'll just do what's on my mind and it's not safe at all!

Niall: Well it sounds like you and Harry should talk and I'll listen babe look, we still need to go shopping so you can get some clothels! We will go in the morning and whatever is on your mind don't stress about it! I'm sure everything is ok...

Lucy: Yeah I'm sure your right...

Louis POV

I feel really bad after what Me and Zayn did to them they are going through a tough time according to what Liam said... so to make it up to them me Zayn and Liam are all going to throw them a small party, but I don't want it to turn into something big...

Waiter: Hi my name is Lisa I will be your waiter for today, can I get you any drinks to start off with?

Harry: Can I have a beer

Niall: Can I have a sprite

Lucy: Sprite please

Liam: A beer

Zayn: Beer

Louis: A beer

Lisa: I'll be back with your drinks!

Liam: Thank You!

Louis: So Harry you guys still wanna go the tattoo shop?

Harry: Uh I think well just go for a walk... after all of this.

Zayn: Ok well after dinner me and Louis and Liam are gonna head back home early!

Lucy: Why?

Louis: Just have to do something before the day is over...

Lucy: Oh ok... You guys never told me where we are...!

Liam: We're at Nandos

Lucy: Oh I've never been here...

Zayn: Haven't your parents took you here?

I saw Lucy look to Niall he mouthed sorry...

Lucy than turned back around

Lucy: Uh, can we change the subject let's talk about something else!

Niall: Just get the same thing as me you'll love it!

Lisa: You guys ready to order?

Harry: Can I get X double chicken(mango-lime) wrap with cheese pineapple

Niall: X double chicken wrap (medium) no lettuce, X spicy rice, X wings medium

X perinase, X medium sauce the same for the girl

Liam: X butterfly chicken medium no skin x mixed olives x perinase sauce

Zayn: X double chicken pitta medium with cheese z mixed Olives x coleslaw x corn on the cob x hot sauce x extra hot sauce

Louis: Can I get x half chicken medium x creamy mash x perinase sauce

Lisa: Yes

Lucy: Uh wait... ugh ah didn't hear me...

Niall: What did you want?

Lucy: I was gonna tell her that she can take my order off the list...

Niall: Why?

Lucy: I decided to sent him a text.. The reason why.

Lucy- When I was younger I was diagnosed with depression, anxiety, Bullimia and much more... Xxx I'm sorry I'll pay you back...!

Harry: Wanted to know what we were talking about I could feel he felt like he was left out so I handed him my phone so he can put his number in...

I sent him the same thing... He gave me a hug Niall saw so I whispered remember later tonight you'll get something special...

Lisa: Here is the food

Liam: Thank you

After 30 minutes everybody was finishing I haven't touched anything except my drink... I than decided to just stand up and go throw up my drink...

Lucy: I'm gonna go head to the bathroom...

Niall: Don't be long!

Lucy: Hmm

After 5 minutes of throwing up...

Harry: Ready to go for the walk?

Lucy: Yeah what happend to the food?

Niall: We got it to go...

Lucy: Ok

Harry: Lead the way as we were walking he explained his while story from begging to start! I then told mine... from begging to start! Niall just listend he is such a. great listener, we than went home a house full of people!

Harry: What the

Liam: Hey we're sorry so we threw you guys a party..

Lucy's POV

That's when I felt someone touch me... than walked away he wouldn't stop! I ran out my father no it can't be he's dead it had to be somebody else...

Niall: I saw Harry run after Lucy and so did I but before that I told them to cut the party before we all screw up!

Lucy: Harry it some dude he he touched me and...

Harry: Shh Niallers coming...

Niall: Come here what wrong?

Lucy: So dude he touched me I thought it was my father but he's dead... and... I wanna go somewhere else I don't feel safe!

Niall: Harry drive us to a hotel...

Harry: Ok, Lucy everything's going to be ok...

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