Chapter 4

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Lucy's POV
Lucy; Niall YES i'd love to go on a date with you! But we should really get some rest I'm getting tired...
Niall; Ok... I love you snug bug!
Lucy; I love you too Nialler!
Niall; Hey everybody calls me that, we need better nicknames... night babe
Lucy; Yeah we do, night!
Niall's POV
When I got up I put on some sweatpants and a T-shirt I than headed down stairs to fix me and Lucy a cup of tea when I bumped into Harry. That's when I saw Harry with his eyes bloodshot red!
Harry; Hey Niall!
Niall; Hey Hazza!, you ok?
Harry; Just started off into blank space than burst into tears... n-no
Niall; You wanna talk about it?
Harry; Look I have to go...
Niall; Harry please talk to me...
Niall; Ok, I'm sorry can we talk later?
Harry; Maybe, Niall...
That's when I saw Liam...
Niall; Hey man what's up?
Liam; Nothin much what's up with Harry?
Niall; Idk but I'm really worried can you please talk to him?
Liam; I'll try oh and Niall be safe Lucy is a keeper, please keep her around.
Niall; Yes daddy!
I saw Liam give me a glare and as he was walking away I chuckled. Must make Lucy some tea...
Liam's POV
Liam; Hey Harry it's me can you please open the door?
Harry; *sniffles* Uh yeah just give me a minute...
Liam; Ok
Harry; Hi Liam...
Liam; Harry what's wrong?
Harry; How'd you know? you know what screw it Li it's Gemma
Liam; Harry stop I understand...
Harry; No, you need to listen she posted the pic of me and her when the last time I saw her
Liam; And..?
Harry; Li it's the haters they think I don't deserve to be in this band same with Niall he's told me everything... They think I should kill myself...
Niall's POV
Niall; Hey Lucy
Lucy; Hey babe...
Niall; Hey Lucy what's wrong
Lucy; Is the door locked?
Niall; Yeah...
Lucy; Niall? I miss your lips...
Niall; You got me good...
Lucy; Just kiss me,all I get is a peck
Niall I'm sorry there's just stuff on my mind
... I get a message on Twitter...*
Lucy's POV
From: @Hatersunite
Hi look Your so ugly why would anybody like you just go and kill yourself...
*tears came to my eyes*
Niall; Lucy are you ok? *looks at twitter message* so sorry I love you I truly do!* And I wanna marry you! when your ready, that is!
Harry's POV
Harry; Thanks Li, can I see Nialler?
Liam; Yes whatever you want buddy.
Harry; Thanks
*after getting to Niall's room*
Liam; Hey Nialler Hazza wants to see you.
Niall; Ok, I'll be back Lucy!
Lucy; Ok
Niall; we can go shopping after I'm done talking to Harry.
Lucy; Niall go talk to Harry he needs you.
Niall; Right!
Harry; Hey can I talk to you?
Niall; Yeah what's up?
Harry; I have something I need to tell you...
Niall; Ok, but can I tell you something also?
Harry; Yeah you go first....
Niall; You sure?
Harry; Yes
Niall; Well you know how I've been getting hate and other things?
Harry; Yeah
Niall; Well, I uh started self harming I have a razor and whenever I'm down I'll just cut.
Harry; Niall I wanted to tell you the same thing does Lucy know?
Niall; Yeah she caught me doing it.
Harry; Well you know how me and Gemma luv taking pictures well...
Lucy's POV
I'm done, I can't take life anymore I want to die I know the perfect way how.... First I wrote my letter I then walked over to the balcony and stand on the ledge right. When I was about to jump I heard Zayn.
Zayn; Lucy please don't jump Niall would be so sad your his first girlfriend
that didn't make fun of him or just used him.
Lucy; Why not everybody in this world hates me!
Zayn; Please just step down...
(Back in Harry's room)
Niall; I'm so sorry Hazza come shopping with me and Lucy!
Harry; You sure?
Niall; Yeah
Harry; Ok
Niall; Well let's go!
(As soon as he stepped foot in his room he saw the worst thing ever)
Niall; Lucy please come down...please
Lucy; I'm sorry Niall!
Niall; Lucy please I love you, your perfect, your the only person really girlfriend that hasn't made fun of me! You are the one keeping me together please Lucy...
Lucy; Bye guys! (jumps)
Niall; NOOO LUICY!!!
Harry and Zayn; Niall it's ok we got her she's safe!
Niall; Your lying your all lying!
Harry; Hey Nialler remember what I told you? Please open your eyes, please buddy.
Niall; She's ok...
Lucy; I'm so sorry Niall...
Niall; It's ok now come on inside...
Lucy; No Niall you don't understand Niall I- I..
Harry; Hey Zayn we should go inside...
Zayn; Yeah your right
Niall; You what?
Lucy; I self harm just like you I cuted before I came out here, I cut to deep I need to go to the hospital! It's the twitter message you see they keep on sending hateful comments all they say is... DIE! You don't deserve to be with Nialler! Get out of here! Your taking up way too much space! He's just using yoou!
(A/N hey I know the characters would never do this it's just a story please no hateful comments)

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