Chapter 5- Getting Settled For Something Bad

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Hey everyone! Sorry it's a little late (you should probably expect that to continue because it seems to be my thing), but my family had a picnic today and I really wanted to spend time with them, so please don't be mad at me for updating so late. Even so, I still wrote my newest chapter of The Marshmallow Wars because I care and I know it's important to not keep people waiting! This chapter is dedicated to my grandmother (a little personal, I know) for being so sweet to me all the time and reading my story! Enjoy Chapter 5!

"-and then Nick and I found the note inside the marshmallow."Thomas finished, glancing around the room. Nick had taken Thomas to the infirmary to tell all the boys about his latest discoveries. Occasionally, Danny would put in a word or two, such as when Thomas was discussing the wall, but it was mostly Thomas talking. Nick and Thomas stood while Mike and Danny were stuck lying down in their recovery beds. The marshmallow and note were passed around continuously.

" And you think the note means what?" Mike asked, picking up the small scrap of paper and rereading it.

"I think someone- or something- knows about the wall, and they're trying to find a way over. They sent this as a warning, so we wouldn't be surprised. I wonder how they knew we'd be able to read it?" Thomas wondered.

"Maybe they hoped we would. After all, they haven't been over, either." Nick answered.

"We should be careful. Nobody has any idea what could be coming over, and we don't know when, either." Danny suggested.

"We should probably keep this a secret, too." Nick proposed.

"Why would we do that? If we hide this, if whatever it is comes over and we're not nearby to vouch for it, they might kill it. They might kill it even if we do vouch for it because we could be spies." Mike argued.

"Now that is an interesting idea. I really doubt, though, that everyone will immediately suspect us as undercover agents." Nick replied.

"People might think we made it up." Thomas offered. Nick grinned at him.

"I knew someone would back me up! Tom's right; we're not trusted by enough people yet. Besides, if they're communicating in the dark, they obviously don't want everyone to know. I propose we keep close watch on the wall at all spare moments in the day, and take turns at night." Nick persisted.

"How long would we do this?" Danny questioned.

"Until they show up, of course. They said they'd be coming soon." Nick concluded, looking to Thomas for more support. Thomas shrugged.

"I'm fine with that." Thomas said.

"Me, too. This is too important to pass up." Mike agreed.

"I'll also help. I want to meet these things." Danny admitted.

"Alright, it's settled. As soon as you two are patched up, you can help with night watch. Until then, I'll take first watch and Thomas can take second. After all, I'm the only one out of all four of us that aren't hurt in some way." Nick noted, looking at everyone. No one objected to that.

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