Chapter 2: Yevgeny

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  Svetlana was living with Kev and Vee in that weird thruple thing they had going on, they lived with Kev and Vee's twins and Yevgeny. Ever since the whole kidnapping incident Svetlana had never left Ian alone with her son, the times when she would come over and let Ian hold the kid were the best. Ian really loved the kid. Now that Mickey was back she had taken to dropping him off at the Milkovich house on odd days to spend time with his dad. That actually meant that Ian got to look after him because although Mickey was coming to love his son he still wasn't very paternal.

  That morning was one of those mornings. It had been four months since Mickey had been released from prison and they were great. Ian always woke up early to go on his run before coming home for breakfast and meds. Today he would do that and it was his day off so he had the whole day to spend with Yev. He couldn't wait.

  As ever Ian woke and turned to see that the clock on the bedside table read five am. Besides him Mickey slept soundly, back pressed against Ian's chest with Ian's arms thrown over him. Now it was just a matter of untangling himself. Wasn't too hard as Mickey could sleep through anything so as soon as he was free he placed a gentle kiss on Mickey's temple before leaving him to sleep.

  By the time he had ran and showered it was almost seven and Mickey was still asleep so he quickly downed his pills and went back to bed. He curled around his boyfriend who groaned sleepily before pulling Ian's arms tighter around him. Now that Ian knew he was awake he peppered kissed down his jaw and neck then down lower and lower. 

  Once he had given Mickey his good morning blowjob and jerked himself off they both lay there smiling happily and exchanging lazy kisses. It was a pleasantly warm day so far, not a scorching Chicago day like they usually got. It meant that Ian could bask comfortably in the warmth coming through the window with his boyfriend who's hands were lazily playing with Ian's hair.

  "Svetlana's bringing Yev over today," Ian mumbled against Mickey's neck.

  "Hmm yeah I remember," Mickey replied sleepily.


  It had gotten to the point where Svetlana trusted Ian enough with her son so that when he opened the door she handed the toddler right over. Ian grinned and held the little blond boy close to him as the child grabbed onto his hair. Yev loved his hair, much like his dad (something that Ian often teased Mickey about), so he always grabbed it although Ian had now managed to get him to do it gently.

  "I see you later Orange Boy," Svetlana said, giving him a brief kiss on the cheek before leaving.

  "Een!" the little boy in his arms squealed happily as he closed the door and moved further into the house.

  Yevgeny had been speaking for only a few weeks now but he had mastered "Dada", "Mama" and "Een". Ian had taught the boy who his Dada was, Mickey had blushed deeply when Ian had pointed at him one day and asked Yev who it was getting the reply of "Dada". 

  The first time that Yev had said his name he had felt his heart skip a beat. He had been in Mickey's arms and Yev had pushed at his chest and told him" No, Een" while pointing at Ian. The ginger had had to force back tears because he was so honoured to be one of the first people that his boyfriend's son acknowledged. Mickey had smiled fondly at him and he had had to look away, embarrassed at how much that one word had effected him.

  Now Yev said it all the time but Ian still couldn't help but grin and give the boy a kiss on the head every time. He looked so much like a blond version of his father was such beautiful blue eyes just like Mickey and Mandy had. He loved playing with the boy and seeing those eyes light up, hear that sweet, innocent little giggle as Ian tickled him.

  He also loved seeing Mickey with his son. Since he was born Mickey had become closer and closer to the child. Ian loved nothing more than to see Mickey cuddling the child or feeding him. His boyfriend would often make silly faces to get Yevgeny to giggle at him which would bring a bright smile to his face. 

  This day was no different, they both had the day off today so they could spend time as a little family and Ian loved every minute of it. However when six o'clock came around he couldn't stop himself from watching the clock. They only had an hour left before Svetlana came back for her son. He would look at it every five minutes as he played with the boy on the floor. Ian knew that Mickey noticed and tried to stop but he really couldn't help himself.

  When Svetlana arrived he handed over the child with a last goodbye kiss and a little wave. When he shut the door and he turned back around Mickey was right there. The smaller man pulled him forward into a warm hug, his tattooed fingers stroking the base of his neck comfortingly.

  "You okay man?" he asked, pulling back to look at Ian's face.

  "Course I am Mick, there's no reason I wouldn't be. You worry to much," Ian smiled, it was fond and not forced even though his heart ached because he had Mickey here and Mickey was adorable like this. Before the other could say anything else, Ian kissed him chastely and pulled away to go and do the dishes.

  He couldn't let Mickey knew how he really felt. That every time the boy came over Ian just wanted a child more and more. One for Mickey and himself. One that lived with just them, their own forever. One that they could watch grow properly, one that they could always be there for. See every first and be there for every problem.

  What he wanted wasn't fair on his boyfriend. Mickey didn't really want the kid he had. There was no way he would want a child with Ian. It was something that Ian would never ask for not now, not ten or even twenty years down the line and God he hoped they lasted that long. He was sure they wouldn't if he asked for such a thing though. It would out a wedge between them and that was the very last thing that Ian wanted. He'd already pushed Mickey way to much in the past.

  Every time he had pushed Mickey one or the other got hurt. More often than not it was Mickey. When Ian pushed Mickey to come out for instance. When Ian pushed Mickey to kiss him and get closer to him and Mickey invited him over and Terry found them. Svetlana and Yevgeny were all Ian's fault because he pushed. Mickey being beaten and raped was Ian's fault because he pushed. Ian was never going to push Mickey into anything ever again. 

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