Chapter 6: Surrogate

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  In the end it was Mickey that chose the surrogate. That was mainly due to Ian faffing over it and not being able to make up his mind so when Mickey had told him that he was going to do it Ian had willingly handed over the reins. The paramedic had been at work in the final hours of his shift when he got the text from his boyfriend concerning the choice. He'd found one and was going to meet with her to start the whole thing next week. Of course the insemination thing was going to be done with a turkey baser because even though Mickey wasn't apposed to fucking women he said that he wouldn't do that to Ian. The ginger had definitely been touched at that.

  After that message Ian hadn't been able to wait to meet the woman- who Mickey had told them was called Jane. The ex con had refused to show Ian a picture of Jane although Ian had no idea why but really to him it didn't matter; they were having a baby. They had saved up and Jane was definitely affordable for them.

  When they finally met the woman and got the whole insemination part of the process done Ian couldn't have been happier. Jane was a lovely, friendly woman. She needed the money that surrogacy but said she had no maternal instincts so they wouldn't have to worry about her interfering with their lives after the baby was born.

  As they were leaving however Ian couldn't help but smirk over at his boyfriend who was walking happily along side him.

  "What the fuck are you looking at?" Mickey grumbled as he noticed Ian's expression.

  "Of course you picked a ginger," Ian commented.

  It was Mickey's turn to smirk then, he didn't say anything just continued to walk.


  After the first term was up and they got their scan they started shopping for baby things. Both of them had decided that they didn't want to know the gender of the baby so all the things were gender neutral.  They turned Terry's old room into the nursery when they weren't working.

  Ian often found himself sat in there once it was completed. He would look around at the pale green walls and yellow curtains, the crib and the little mobile that was made up of stars and the moon. Being in there looking at everything made it so real. Almost even more real than seeing the scan. He still couldn't believe it though, the thought that he was going to be a father. Sure he had had Yevgeny but Yev was Mickey's kid not his. This child was going to be both of theirs.

  It was one day that he was sat in there against the wall with his knees drawn up to his chest that he first got scared. Then guilty. He was going to be a father... a bipolar one. Suddenly he was terrified that maybe he really would become Monica. Hell his siblings had told him he was just like her often enough. Look at how much she had broken all of their hearts. How could he ever know that he wouldn't do that to his own child? Maybe this wasn't such a great idea after all.

  Too late now though...

  Ian found himself curling further into himself, face now buried into his knees so he didn't have to see the room around him. He had taken his pills today so he knew this wasn't his bipolar messing him around, this was his own common sense.

  He heard the door open then and Mickey enter.

  "Hey Firecrotch I'm going down to the store, want any- Ian?" Mickey stopped talking when he saw the way his boyfriend was sat.

  The younger man felt a hand smooth down his arm as Mickey crouched besides him before he pressed a kiss into his fiery hair.

  "You okay?" he asked Ian.

  "What... what if I turn out to be just like Monica?" Ian whispered into his knees after a moment.

  "Monica? You won't be Monica. You're ten times the person that woman is already Ian," Mickey told him as he curled himself around the younger man, wrapping him up in his arms, "look at all the things that you do that she doesn't. You stick around when you say you will, you take your medication, you have a fucking kick-ass job for God's sake. I mean look at how you are with Yev."

  Ian looked up then at Mickey as the other stroked a soothing hand through his hair.

  "I love you so much Mick," he said, pressing a kiss against the brunette's lips.

  "Love you too tough guy."


  They decided on names one night after amazing sex and their post sex cigarette when they were lying tangled in each other's limbs. Ian's head had been resting on Mickey's chest where he could feel his breaths and hear his heart beating while he stroked down Mickey's side.

  It had actually been the older man that had brought it up. Surprisingly they had been able to decide rather quickly on what they would name the kid, boy or girl. They had settled on Anna for a girl and Thomas for a boy. Ian had fallen asleep with a smile that night as he imagined holding a little Anna or Thomas.


  Finally nine months was up and they got a call telling the two men that Jane was in labour. It had been a smooth pregnancy which was a godsend really and now the baby was almost there. Ian had been practically vibrating in the passenger seat on the way, something that Mickey had teased him about even though Ian knew that he was nervous himself.

  When they got there it was hours of labour and Ian just couldn't wait and finally the baby was there and squalling. The doctors wrapped it up and checked it over before passing it to Mickey. The shorter man held the bundle reverently and smiled down at the wrinkled face as Ian came up to look. He softly reached out and smoothed back the damp hair from the red face, instantly in love.

  "Well you boys have a lovely, healthy daughter there," the doctor told them, smiling as she removed her medical gloves.

  "Little Anna," Ian murmured as he looked down at the girl.

  Mickey leaned into Ian and the ginger pressed a kiss into his dark hair.

  "God it worked. We've got a little ginger screamer after all," Mickey commented quietly making Ian laugh. Sure enough the baby was already clearly a redhead. A little baby redhead just for them. 

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