• 2~ Lae •

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"Stop looking at me like that."

I turned my head to look away.

"Please Lae?" Blake pouted.

"I said no. I am NOT asking her out for you." I crossed my arms.

Blake already broke up with his rat ex girlfriend 5 minutes ago and he's already eyeing some other chick. And he wants ME to ask her out for him so it doesn't look like he's a player.

Even though he is.

But that's not the problem here. The problem at hand is that I as in ME, has to ask her out for him. That means I have to socially interact with people.

And that's not my specialty.

"Pleassseeeee Lae, for me?" I looked at him one last time and sighed.

"Only this one time." I grunted as I walked over to the lunch table the girl was sitting at.

She was really pretty, she had blue eyes, blonde hair and freckles.

Better than his past girlfriends I can tell you that.

I suddenly felt less confident because I mean come on.


And then you see me.




She was also sitting alone and she looked new at the school.

This is my chance to make friends!

Well a friend.

"Hi my name is Lae! What's your name?" I took a seat next to her and she put her head down.

She must be shy.

"Hi...I'm Emma." She spoke quietly.

"That's a pretty name!"

More like basic.

Oh sorry if I offended all the Emma's out there.

"Thank you." She rolled her eyes and grabbed her lunch, throwing it away.

I gave her a confused look.

She started walking away but I stopped her.

"Wait!" I yelled out.

Emma turned around and crossed her arms.


"I-..." I looked back at Blake and he gave me a thumbs up.

"I'm waiting." Emma sighed.

"My friend over there.." I pointed at Blake and he smiled at her. Emma immediately smiled back and waved.

Of course.

"Oo he's cute." She winked at him.

"Okay whatever, he wants to ask you out." I rambled. She purposely ignored me and walked over to his table and sat on his lap. I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes.

Not gonna lie.

But that was like a jab in the heart.

I walked towards the table and grabbed my backpack.

"Lae? Where are you going?" Blake asked me, not even looking my way. I slung my backpack over my shoulder and slammed both of my hands on the table causing the whole cafeteria to direct their attention to me.

"I'm leaving." I started to walk away and Blake yelled for me to wait. He ran to me and it was just the both of us standing in the middle of the cafeteria.

"I'm tired of being treated like absolute shit, I can never make friends, while you-...you get caught up with all of your "girlfriends" and you don't even think twice about me Blake. I'm tired of it, I'm liked by nobody. You don't know how that feels, you're liked by everyone in this school. I'm just your desperate best friend who can't find friends other than you. You fail to realize that...I'm alone and I'm treated like shit in this school. I can't take this Blake, I just...can't." I let out a small sob and marched out of the cafeteria with tears in my eyes.

I'm tired of it.

I'm worth nothing.

I sobbed and pushed past people in the hallway as I walked out of the double blue doors of my school. Then a hand suddenly softly gripped my arm causing me to stop. It felt like an electric shock flowing through my body and I didn't even want to see who it was.

"Let go of me." I whispered.

"Do you need a ride home?" I didn't quite recognize the person's voice.

A ride home actually sounds great right now.

I turned around to face the person and it was


"Uh-uh I-..." He laughed a little and his laugh was really cute.



Slow ya roll there Lae.

"Am I speaking Japanese?" He smirked. I rolled my eyes.

"Yes, Okay? I need a ride." I looked away and sighed. The cafeteria doors were open and I got a look at Blake and his new "girlfriend" making out.

He doesn't even feel bad?

He doesn't even check to see if I'm okay?

Is she that worth it to let your best friend leave the cafeteria bawling her eyes out?

I guess so.

Andrew softly stared at me, he directed his gaze in the direction I was looking. He looked back at me and sighed.

"It's them. Isn't it?" I bit my lip and looked at the ground.

"Yes." My vision was starting to get blurry, my heart beat was increasing about 6789 beats per minute and I felt weak. I couldn't breathe.

I grabbed onto Andrews leather jacket trying to keep my balance. He wrapped his arms around my waist helping me stand.

"Lae? Lae what's wrong?" Andrew asked panicking.

"I- I-...can't breathe." I let out. Andrew picked me up bridal style and carried me outside. My heart increased even faster and not just because I was having a panic attack, but it was the way Andrew was holding me. He opened what seems to be his car and placed me in the passenger seat. My eye lids started to shut and I was consumed with darkness.


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