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Eddie listened at the door of Joy's room where he heard giggling from Joy. He suspected what was going on in there. But things were bound to end tragically if he didn't do anything. Almost without thinking, he knocked on the door.

Jerome cracked it open, just enough for all of his head to be seen. "What?"

"Uh-um...ah-" Eddie was speechless.

"Lost for words, are you? Come back when you find them, alright?"

Jerome was about to close the door when Eddie held it open.

"Who is it?" Joy asked impatiently.

"Pizza," Eddie finally said. "I need you to order pizza please."

"Why can't you do it?"

"My phone is dead."

"Then why can't someone else do it?"

"Well, they all mysteriously disappeared-"

Jerome eyes him.

"-like, I mean, I haven't seen them around."

"Fine. Just use my phone-" Jerome began reaching in his back pocket as he opened the door all the way.

"No!" Eddie shouted. "I mean, you have to order it. I-I get...nervous over the phone sometimes." Eddie tried to laugh it off. "Please?"

Jerome took a deep breath. "Fine. I'll be back," he told Joy.

As he headed towards the staircase, Eddie used distinct signals, telling Joy to get out of there.

"Eddie?" Jerome turned around.

Eddie immediately stopped. "Yeah?"

"Well, are you going to tell me what you want, or am I just going to have to guess?"

"Right, right. Nice one, Jerry."

Jerome sat at the top of the staircase, and Eddie followed close behind, sitting there too.

While on the phone, possibly with the longest order ever, Jerome repeated everything Eddie asked for.

"-and a large meat lovers-"

"Large meat lovers-"

"Bacon and cheese pizza-"

"Bacon and cheese pizza-"

"36 count chicken wings, wait-garlic chicken. Yep, gotta love the garlic chicken-"

Jerome sighed, "36 count garlic wings-"

"Large cheese sticks-two boxes-"

"Two boxes of large cheese sticks-"

"Honey chicken wings-36 count-"

"36 count honey wings-"

"Ooh, and give me their apple pie. Wait, how big are they? Just order two to be safe-"

Jerome almost growled. "Two apple pies," he gritted through his teeth.

"Umm...I think that's it, nope, wait-"

Jerome almost smashed his phone.

"Give me-wait for it-" Eddie paused with a smile on his face, "-they're cookie cake as well."

Jerome covered the phone with his hand. "Are you sure you can afford all this?"

"You know what? You're absolutely right. Just get me the large meat lovers," Eddie tried to play it off with a laugh and a pat on Jerome's arm.

Jerome stood up and dropped his hands to his side, his phone now uncovered and gripped tightly. "Eddie!"

Eddie stood up as well, not wanting to be smothered by a potentially unstable Set he may have possibly set off. "Thanks so much. Have them deliver, not pick up."

Eddie smiled as he crept back into Joy's room and whispered to her as Jerome finished up the order.

"We don't have much time," Eddie whispered, "so don't ask questions, and come with me."

Eddie pulled Joy up by her wrist, from her sitting position, and he pulled her with him. Jerome was hanging up and putting his phone in his pocket when Eddie and Joy made it to the staircase. Eddie still gripped Joy's wrist.

"We're you going with Joy?" he asked.

"It's just-I-" Eddie was having the worst day with pathological lying.

"-he needs me to help him learn this complex game," Joy saved, butting in. "It's not so complex when you think about it, but what does Eddie know about thinking, right?"

Eddie laughed in agreement. "Everything that doesn't matter goes in one ear and out the other. Come on." He pulled Joy along.

"You should be grateful I saved you," Joy whispered when they were a safe distance from Jerome, in the boys' rooms hallway.

"Yeah, yeah, I am," Eddie whispered back. "Now, Sibuna is right there in Fabian's room, and you have to trust us when we tell you what we can."

"What you can? I still can't know everything? Eve after all this time?"

"It's Sibuna-confidential, alright? Come on." He grabbed Joy's hand and led her into Fabian 's room, gently closing the door behind them.

The others were just sitting in different spots, obviously in the middle of some discussion.

"Ok," Joy folded her arms. "What do I need to know?"

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