Set the World on Fire part 3

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Eddie headed full speed ahead towards Set, but Set had tossed him back with telekinesis.

He approached Eddie while he was on the ground. "I'm a god, Osirion. And you are but god's spirit."

"Set died once; he can die again, right? Because I will destroy you."

Eddie began glowing a golden color, beams of light shooting out from him, as he rose from the ground, slightly hovering above it. He clinched his fists, and the light spread before him, not only directed at Set, but also damaging everything in his line of sight. The trees were singed as well as the grass. Set staggered backwards and suddenly disappeared in a wisp of gold dust. Eddie dropped down to the ground, losing his glow.

Nina, Patricia, and Fabian had gone over to Eddie.

"Is it over? Is it done?" Patricia asked.

"Not yet," Nina replied out of the blue, knowing she somehow had the answer. "It's not even close."

Until something were to happen, Eddie went back by his father, Patricia accompanying him. Inside the house, Willow and Alfie were still on the steps. Alfie was practically lying on the stairs, as his skin grew colder and paler. Willow squeezed his hand in hers.

"Hang in there, Alfie," she supported.

Alfie swallowed. "It hurts, Willow. Not just my leg-but it hurts all over. I feel like I'm dying."

"No!" Willow shouted, getting the attention of some others in Sibuna. "Alfie, you have to stay."

"I love you, Willow," he smiled, a tear streaming down his cheek. A tear also slipped from Willow's eye. "More than anything in the world, I love you. And that's the one thing I need you to understand-"

"-Alfie, you are not leaving me. Alfie, I love you too much."

Alfie's head turned straight upward, and he closed his eyes, silently taking his last breath.

"Alfie?" Willow's voice squeaked in sadness. She tried shaking him. "Alfie? Alfie!" Willow kissed him on the lips. "Alfie, wake up." She kissed him again. "Alfie, wake up!"

Amber quickly went to Willow, sitting beside her on the stairs and holding her in an embrace. Willow turned to Amber and cried in her shoulder, and normally, this would not be ok with Amber, but that was exempt in this moment.

"Why do we have to lose so many people we care about?" KT asked quietly, among Joy and Mara who were by her side.

"It's devastating," Joy crossed her arms, holding back tears like the others.

"It truly is," Mara agreed.

Outside where Eddie, Patricia, Fabian, Nina, and Mick were, the wind picked up and the sky went a darker shade of red with wisps of grey. The entire mood had changed.

"Maybe we should get inside," Mick suggested.

He helped Eddie carry his day's body inside and set it down. Eddie put his Osirion crown down beside his father. The five coming in almost immediately noticed the depressed expressions, Amber holding Willow, and Alfie sprawled out, lifelessly.

"What happened?" Mick asked.

"He died," Joy responded quietly, her eyes focused downward.

"Oh. Well, we can figure out a way to-" Mick began.

"-he's dead!" Willow suddenly stopped sobbing into Amber's shoulders, but she was still in her embrace. "Don't you get it? He's gone."

"But-but you guys are Sibuna. You have a Chosen One and stuff."

"Mick, it's not exactly the easiest thing to perform resurrection, no matter who we are," Nina told him quietly.

"But, you'll try something right? All this stuff is intense. I don't like death. No one here likes death. And we have so much power in our hands that just means nothing sometimes-"

"-but Osiris-he was the god of the afterlife," Fabian suddenly stepped forward. "Osiris could resurrect and cause death. Maybe the Osirion can do the same. Maybe he can bring back Alfie and his dad."

Eddie looked at him. He said, "I don't know how."

"You'll figure it out. You always do."

Willow wiped her eyes, standing up along with Amber.

Suddenly, different areas in the floor opened up, making most of Sibuna fall through chutes, leaving just Eddie, Nina, and Mara standing there(Mr. Sweet and Alfie were left as well).

"Oh gosh. What just happened?" Mara gasped.

"Set happened," Nina answered casually.

"What'll happen to them?"

"I don't know. Maybe we should go check."

"It's fine," Mara responded. "I'll just go."

She went through the cellar door, heading down to find the others. Eddie made sure he grabbed the Osirion crown, just in case he needed it.

"Just for luck," Eddie commented.

Nina nodded.

Suddenly, the house began shaking and trembling. And as Eddie saw the first cracks appear, noticing the house was crumbling, he realized this was like the dream he had of him and Nina in the crumbling house with Set approaching. The dream ended before he could get any info from it, but he knew it was really happening.

Nina grabbed onto the stairwell railing, just like in the dream. Eddie went ahead and put the crown on his head, and he didn't know, but it was glowing. He looked over and saw Nina's locket glowing though.

The door to the kitchen area opened. If his dream was accurate, Set(still in Jerome's body) would come through that door. And then Eddie would have to decide whether or not to hold Nina's hand. After that, all would be unknown, considering he woke up.

All it took was Set's first step out of the kitchen.


You will have to endure the wait to find out what happens next. I really hope you're enjoying this story, particularly these Set the World on Fire chapters. Anyway, thanks for reading!

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