Chapter 4

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Read the last chapters authors note...

So I made up names for Mr and Mrs Nott. I couldn't find information on them. Ugh, it was annoying to search up names. Also, most of these are filler chapters until Rigel reaches Hogwarts. Plus, I made up a name for a broom since most of the brooms are made in 1920-1950 or 1990-2014 and probably not in the time range. Not to mention, this is just showing the relationship of Theo and his mother (who's name I made up).

Rigel and Theo played many games of chess, sometimes Draco played or watched and sometimes he didn't, preferring to snack on petit fours and opera cakes (A/N I love opera cakes

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Rigel and Theo played many games of chess, sometimes Draco played or watched and sometimes he didn't, preferring to snack on petit fours and opera cakes (A/N I love opera cakes...). Rigel won most of the games (thanks to Ron in his first life who taught him chess) while Theo won a couple. Now, the three young heirs were sitting by the same oak tree that Rigel sat before, nibbling on ham and cheese sandwiches and sipping cold butterbeer. Draco making random jokes while Rigel laughed. Theo stared at the scene before him. Rigel and Draco seemed to be the perfect sons, heirs and purebloods. They were what every young pureblood wanted to be. Theo couldn't help but feel a tiny bit jealous when Lady Lestrange and Lady Malfoy came to check up on their sons. His mother never payed any attention to him. Not even when he had his first bout of accidental magic when he was three. His father like to spoil him though. Weirdly enough. He was snapped out of his thoughts when he felt someone neaten up his hair.

"Honestly Theo dear, your hair needs to be neater", Lady Lestrange said. Theo blinked. Why did she do that? "Come on, Rigel and Draco are waiting for you in the drawing room. They're getting ready to play quidditch. Do you play quidditch Theo?"

"N-No Lady Lestrange. I rather watch on the sidelines", Theo murmured. Bellatrix smiled. He was such a polite boy and adorable too. She just couldn't help but mollycoddle Theo like she did to her son.

"Hmmmm... Ok dear, whatever you say. Oh, and call me Bella or Auntie Bella. I find that Lady prefix makes me sound old", Bellatrix said. Theo nodded slowly.

"Ok... Auntie Bella", Theo said, testing the name. He found it quite soothing, it gave him a nice feeling. Bellatrix smiled and held out her hand. Theo eyed it curiously before taking it and walked beside her.

Odelia Nott (A/N I know it isn't her real name but I actually don't know. I improvised) stared at her son through the window. He was such a small boy. Odelia sighed. She did love her son but her mother and father rarely paid attention to her so she did not know how to show her feelings. Guilt bubbled up in her chest when she saw Bellatrix and her son holding hands, and the two were smiling. They looked like a mother and a son. Odelia bit her lip. She didn't bother to celebrate her son's first bout of accidental magic too... All of that was going to change. She was going to pay attention to him and love him. But it wasn't as simple as it sounded. Showing emotion was hard for Odelia. She didn't even show love for her husband until their 2 year of courting. Alexander Nott knew that and still loved her. It warmed Odelia's supposedly cold heart. But if she loved her son that much, she would try.

Bellatrix stared at the woman before her. Odelia Nott was staring at her son with so much love, but with a blank face. Bellatrix knew it was hard to act on her feelings. Especially when the emotion was love. Theo clung to his mother. He just wanted some affection from his mother, that is all.

"Mama, my birthday is next month", Theo whispered. Odelia smiled a little, just a quirk of her lips. She knew that.

"I know that Theo. Tell me, what would you like as a present?" Odelia asked. Theo stared wide eyed at his mother. Only father asked that! Odelia felt that same guilt brewing. His reaction was of disbelief...

"I'd like whatever you give to me, mama", Theo said. Odelia smiled. This time, it was soft, and Theo could see it. His mother had a nice smile. "You should smile more mama". Odelia chuckled. Her boy was sweet.

"I should? Well, ok then", Odelia said softly. Theo giggled. Bellatrix smiled.

"I will go see to my son now", Bellatrix said and turned around. She doubted Odelia heard her, over Theo's sweet laughter. But it was good to at least tell her.

Theo smiled as his mother carried him to the drawing room. She was warming up to him!

"I love you mama", Theo said quietly. Odelia stared at her son in shock, but then that expression melted into one of happiness.

"I - I love you too Theo", Odelia said. It was hard saying those words. But she managed, after all, she did love her son. Theo giggled happily. His mama loves him!

Rigel smiled at the mother and son. Mostly at the son, but who wouldn't after all (also, he did have a tiny crush on the small boy)?

"I will be in the garden if you need me", Odelia said. Theo nodded.

"Of course Lady Nott", Rigel said. It did wonders if you were polite. Odelia smiled. Rigel is such a nice boy. The perfect pureblood heir. Then she looked at her son. But my son is the one a I love most. She turned and walked down to the garden. Theo stared after her. His mama could be a confusing woman sometimes. Then he stared at Rigel. How is he so polite? And why is his wording so advanced? He's five! Rigel raised an eyebrow at Theo. Theo stuck out his tongue childishly. Rigel grinned and crossed his eyes. Theo snorted with laughter. Draco stared at the two in mild curiosity but that was soon vanished by laughter erupting down in the gardens. The youngest boy of the three looked down the window to see all three ladies laughing and giggling. He was surprised to see Lady Nott laughing as if she didn't have a care in the world. It was unnerving for the small boy.

"Hey check this out Ry, Theo! Lady Nott is laughing like a school girl!" Draco called out. Rigel and Theo stopped their face contest and rushed to the window. And yes, Lady Nott was laughing.

Would you look at that. Miss Strict-boring-and-mean is laughing! Who made a terrible joke this time? Chaos jeered. Intelligence smacked the mischief maker upside his head. Chaos rubbed his head and pouted.

That's rude Chaos. Even if she can't hear you, that is still rude, Luck admonished. Chaos rolled his eyes and sighed. Death smirked. Chaos is an idiot and everyone knows it. Except the said idiot himself. That's another bullet point for why he's an idiot. Memory snorted softly and the stored the memory of Lady Nott laughing in 'Family Friends > Mother's Friends > Lady Odelia Nott'. This was a good memory to keep in the 'Interesting and Weird Moments' category, and so, Memory did just that. Chance stared at Memory as he stored the memory. He then shrugged and turned away. Rigel sighed. Why do these guys have to be a ruckus? At least he could now tell Chaos he is doing his job well. But no, that will inflate his already too big ego. Rigel turned away from the window and stared at the brooms. RedStars they were called. Made by the Comet Trading Company. It was the latest style, but Rigel missed his Firebolt. Draco turned to the direction Rigel was looking at and smirked. Rigel loved to fly, especially when that flying was used to play quidditch. Theo continued to stare at his mother is awe. The young boy never seen his mother so happy before... Besides looking at his mother when she was younger in photos. Theo was quite happy to see his mother laughing. Then a tap on the shoulder interrupted his thoughts.

"We're going down to the quidditch pitch now. You could come and watch us if you like", Rigel said softly. Theo bit his lip a little and nodded his head slightly. Rigel smiled and rushed out to calm Draco who was calling for him to hurry up. Theo blinked at the boy's speed. It was abnormally fast but Theo guessed this boy had many more surprises to follow...

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