Chapter 6

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Here is another update! Also, I do not own Harry Potter 

P.S. I'm watching Prisoner of Azkaban as I'm typing this


I ,myself, am a proud Gryffindor.

Theo slammed the compartment's  door and flopped on the seat, facing Rigel

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Theo slammed the compartment's  door and flopped on the seat, facing Rigel.

"Isn't this exciting? I want to be in Slytherin, you know? Of course you do! I've been telling you that since we first met! Oops, am I rambling again? Very sorry Ry, I'm just so excited, and nervous! Will the other children be nice? I hope they are, if not then that'll be a problem, father will certainly get them expelled if they bully me. Your father will do the same won't he? Again, sorry Ry, I'm spewing nonsense again", Theo fired. Rigel smirked a little, this happened often.

"If the other children bully you Theo, they have me, your father, your mother and the Malfoys to answer to. Plus most of your friends families", Rigel drawled. Theo grinned a little. Rigel always had his back, no matter what. Suddenly, the sound of someone knocking on a door was heard.

"Who could it be?" Theo muttered and stood up to open the door. Rigel watched as the smaller boy gracefully walked towards the door and slid it open. "Hello! I'm Theodore Nott and you are?" 

"Alois Zabini, pleasure to meet you", a voice replied (A/N He's an oc). Theo giggled and stepped back inside the compartment. A tall, lanky boy with black hair, chocolate brown skin and striking blue eyes appeared. Rigel saw him with his younger brother (who he knew from his first life) at some Ministry parties.

"Hello Zabini", Rigel greeted in monotone, making himself known. Alois turned around, smirking.

"Aaah! Lestrange, an honour to see you!" Alois said. Theo smiled a little, awkwardly standing in between them. Rigel rolled his eyes lazily. 

"I don't feel special seeing you Alois, but nice to see you too", Rigel replied. Alois grinned.

"Oooh! So cold to me, Ry-Ry!" Alois said. Rigel felt his left eyebrow twitch.

I want to kill him. Merlin, why does he have to be so annoying? Rigel thought. Death chuckled.

I've been there before Master. But no, you cannot kill him, everyone will be suspicious of you and the year is just beginning. Death replied. Rigel huffed inwardly.

"Speechless Ry-Ry? My, I never thought my beauty would render you silent!" Alois snickered. Theo bit his lip in the background. Did Rigel really think that? Also, is Rigel even gay?

Yeah, lets kill him. He is too vain, Death muttered. Rigel  chuckled.

I understand Death, but it would be suspicious if a first year died before the school year even started, Rigel retorted. Death scowled, he threw his own words against him!

It's stupid you know, trying to stop Death from killing someone, Life answered. Chance nodded in agreement. Meanwhile, Alois was chatting animatedly with Theo (who looked slightly disturbed). Suddenly, an announcement was made.

"Students, we will be arriving at the Hogsmeade train station in 5 minutes. Those who haven't changed into their robes will do it now"

Rigel sighed and got up along with Alois and Theo.

"Oh isn't this exciting? Changing into our robes... together", Alois commented suggestively. Rigel sneered.

"We will be in seperate cubicles Zabini", Rigel muttered. Never in his million lives has he met someone as vulgar as this. Theo blanched.

"I wouldn't exactly call it an exciting event Alois... Being naked in front of others isn't fun" Theo said meekly. It would be embarrassing to be naked in front of each other but somehow, Theo wasn't sure he meant that (A/N Ugh, Theo is so innocent. He didn't know Alois meant something darker). Alois laughed. Oh boy, he was going to have fun corrupting this pure mind. Rigel glared at Alois, he was not going to let the Zabini boy taint Theo's mind.

Oh Merlin, please don't ruin this innocent one's mind. We need more innocent people these days, Death muttered while Life silently agreed. Luck blinked a little.

What do you mean? Do you mean there is something darker than being naked in front of other people? Luck asked. Chaos grimaced.

Nothing dear sister, now, are those cookies burning? Chaos whispered in her ear. Luck squealed and rushed to save her burning cookies. Chaos cackled at his sister's misfortune. Memory silently shushed the girl by wiping her eyes and helped her make a new batch.

Rigel sighed, and he thought he could go for another couple hours before Destiny decided to show up.

It's not like you didn't miss us, Chance piped up. Rigel rolled his eyes mentally.

"Hey, Ry, you're silent, what's wrong?" Theo said next to him, they were currently entering the change rooms. Alois glanced at him from the corner of his eye.

"Hmm? Oh, I'm fine. Just worried about the sorting, that's all", Rigel stated. Theo's eyes lit up.

"I want to be in Slytherin like mother and father! But what if I go to Hufflepuff? Or Gryffindor? Oh the shame, the embarrassment!" Theo cried dramatically. Rigel huffed a little.

"I bet you 5 galleons that I'm going to Slytherin! There's no way the Zabini heir will go to any other house!" Alois said pompously. Even though the Zabinis were a grey family, they still prided on being purebloods. Rigel sniffed, maybe Alois would go to the vain house of Ravenclaw. No, he isn't intelligent enough.

"I'm just worried that the Sorting Hat will take forever to sort me. Imagine being under the hat for more than 5 minutes, embarrassing", Rigel said. Alois nodded in mock sympathy.

"Oh yes, the horror of being stared at for your complex mind and good looks, how truly terrifying", Alois drawled. Theo giggled a little bit.

"I'm surprised you even know the meaning of complex Zabini. Did you learn that word from one of your 4 step fathers when he was complaining how your mother was so 'complex' when it came to gifts?" Rigel snapped back. Alois glared and strutted into a cubicle. Rigel smirked and walked cooly to the next cubicle. Theo bit his lip and scurried over to the last cubicle, shutting the door close quietly.

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