Chapter 13

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Oof, I'm back, aren't ya glad??

[Also omg all of these votes im getting and shit is making me happy. This sort of (???) inspired me to write up a chapter lol. Don't know when I'm going to update again though]

I don't own the Wizarding World ™

Rigel sighed as he walked down the hallways of Hogwarts

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Rigel sighed as he walked down the hallways of Hogwarts. They just had breakfast and gotten their timetables from Snape. Now he was walking to his dorm to get the books needed for the day. It was a Monday, which meant they had Transfiguration with Gryffindor. Rigel could already tell that he wouldn't enjoy it. He feared for his life, what if the stupid Gryffindors end up exploding the class room in an attempt to do a simple transfiguration? And end up killing them (the other students) in the process? The Lestrange heir sighed. Honestly, the nerve of Dumbedore and the other professors, putting Slytherins with Gryffindors. Did they want student to get injured? To hell with House unity, that isn't going to work, no matter how much you pair them with rowdy Gryffindors. Turning a corner, Rigel arrived at the Slytherin common room. Rigel uttered the password and glided down to his room, still wondering about the sanity of Hogwarts professors. Rigel entered his dorm and glanced around the room, the noticeably cleaner side being his. Rigel rolled his eyes at his dorm mates untidiness and picked up his books needed for the day.

Rigel reached the transfiguration room and saw the other Slytherin first years lining up in front of the room. The Gryffindors weren't there. Rigel snorted. Of course the idiots wouldn't show up on time. Spotting Theo, Rigel smiled softly and walked over to him. Theo was reading a book, the title being Interesting Ways to die By _____. The author's name was faded away and the book looked dark and tattered. The boy reading the interesting book read with wonder in his eyes, and a little insanity. Rigel smiled indulgently, Theo looked adorable like that.

Wait, adorable?!, Rigel thought. Death stifled a laugh and his eyes slid over to Life, who was sporting a wide smile.

Awwww, don't tell me you have feelings for your best friend! Life gushed, drowning out Rigel's sputtering that he didn't have feelings for the Nott heir. Rigel coughed, which caught Theo's attention. Theo glanced up at Rigel and smiled. Rigel took in how pretty Theo looked like with a smile.

Where are these thoughts coming from?! Rigel thought in panic. Life's smile grew wider (if that was possible).

From your feelings for Theodore of course! Life squealed. Rigel cringed, she was too loud. But back to the matter at hand, did he really have feelings for Theo? Brushing the thought off with a sigh, Rigel turned to Alois who was bragging about how he had a tutor before going to Hogwarts. Rigel rolled his eyes. Every respectable pureblood had a tutor. He himself had Uncle Sev, who also taught Draco. Speaking of Draco, he should send a letter to him soon. Maybe this afternoon, after classes. Yes, that would do well. Then a loud thundering of footsteps came towards them. The Slytherins stared wide eyed as the Gryffindors rushed down to the transfiguration room in unison. It seemed as if all of the Gryffindor first years came and went together. At that moment, Professor McGonagall opened the door to the transfiguration room, about to exit it to greet her first batch of students for the year. Soon, all of the Gryffindors reached them and Rigel stared dumb founded at them. Seriously? Rigel sighed at their stupidity. Was he really a Gryffindor once upon a time? It seemed unbelievable. Thinking of his past lives made Rigel warm, as if remembering a happy memory. Technically it was but it was so long ago that he couldn't remember any of it. Only his first life, as Harry Potter, did he remember most of it. In other lives, Rigel only remembered the people he met. Never the details.

The first years entered the room and chose their seats. Alois and Cassandra chose to sit at the back, they'll definitely be chatting the entire time, but as long as they don't get caught Rigel didn't mind. Theo chose somewhere in the middle, Rigel trailing after him. Sitting down, Rigel could spot Abella Rosier sitting to the side with another Slytherin (of course she would, she would rather be put under plenty of Crucios than sit next to a Gryffindor). It seemed as if Anthony chose to sit next to Samael. Rigel rose an eyebrow at this. Wasn't Samael and Damien joint at the hip? Damien wasn't far away, just a couple of seats down, sitting next to a friend (Rigel didn't bother with other names. It didn't seem like he would bother with that kid anyway). Damien kept glancing over to Samael in a protective manner. Rigel turned away as he heard Professor McGonagall approach the front of the room. Rigel remembered her. As stated before, McGonagall was his niece in a past life. Rigel was excited to see how this turned out.

"Good morning class, I am Professor McGonagall and I teach Transfiguration"

At this, the cat animagus proceeded to turn her desk into a pig. It gave a snort before McGonagall turned it back. The Gryffindors expressed their fascination the most. The Slytherins kept their reactions subtle, either giving an interested smirk or a polite clap to show it. Rigel could vaguely remember seeing McGonagall doing the exact same thing in his first life.

Huh, fun. Does she do it for every first year class? Rigel wondered. Death shrugged and turned his head to see Memory shuffling through an old archive of memories - probably from past lives- and looking through them.

What are you doing Memory? Death asked. Memory's head shot up and looked over to Death. Memory mumbled something that Rigel couldn't catch, even though the member of Destiny was in his head. Death, however, heard it and nodded.

I see, Death responded. Rigel sighed and turned his attention back to McGonagall, who was telling them what they were going to do today. Turning beetles into buttons? Pfft, easy. He's done this many times. McGonagall distributed the buttons and told them the enchantment. Rigel sighed as he listened to the instructions. He's heard them, and read them, and followed them. It was handy in many cases. Like that one time he had to use it to finish a costume when he worked as a seamstress. He ran out of buttons and since they were expensive to buy in those times, he had to make do. Rigel heard murmuring and realised that everyone was starting theirs. Rigel sighed and flicked his wrist in the motion used to transfigure a beetle into a button. It transformed completely into a black button. It even had Rigel's initials around the sides. Rigel smirked at that. Of course he got it first. McGonagall took notice that he did it wordlessly.

"Wonderful work Lestrange! Take 5 points for Slytherin for being the first person and another 5 for doing it wordlessly!"

The other first years looked at him in either awe or jealousy. Rigel's smirk widened further and twirled his wand.

At the end of the day, Rigel left his impression on students and teachers alike. He was now known as a genius, a prodigy. He was currently sitting in an armchair, with his dorm mates and Theo surrounding him.

"Bloody hell, Lestrange! You're so smart! I wish I was raised in the wizarding world. I would know most of these things!" Anthony exclaimed. Rigel glanced over to the muggleborn. Even though Rigel respected the kid, he was a muggleborn. He was below them. The fact that he was a Slytherin (which was quite a feat. Muggleborns rarely go to the house of the snakes) made it better. So Rigel treated him with the respect he would rarely give to muggleborns. If he was in Gryffindor, Rigel would treat him like the mudblood he was.

"I could tutor you", Rigel said simply. Anthony looked at him with stars in his eyes.

"Really? That'd be amazing. Thanks!"

Rigel scoffed at that. He was only doing it for the favours.

Slytherins always hoard favours Rigel! The more you have, the more people to do the dirty work for you! And blackmail is always a good thing as backup, Chaos said. Rigel hummed. Chaos was good when it came to stuff like that. Rigel sighed mentally. It was a satisfying, yet boring, start to the school year.

Next year, Harry Potter will be coming to Hogwarts, Death muttered. Rigel's eyes widened. It wouldn't be the first time he met his first body in a reincarnated form. But, he was on the dark side this time round. Rigel smirked, and this time round, the dark side will win.

"Ya know, that smirk of yours is actually pretty creepy"

Rigel turned to glare at the muggleborn. Just because he offered to tutor him, does not give him the right to say things like that!

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