Chapter 11 (Filler chapter)

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Don't own Harry Potter or the Wizarding world. OCs belong to me.

Their beliefs are changed since this Voldemort is more sane and doesn't hold too much hate for muggles. Only for his father.

Short (really short) chapter ahead. Just an insight to the Lestranges live's. 

I had some inspiration to update this story, I have no excuses anymore. I'm on holiday.

Dear Mother (and father, if he's reading this),

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Dear Mother (and father, if he's reading this),

You will be delighted to know that I've been sorted into Slytherin. Not a surprise really. Theo is in Slytherin too, if you wanted to know. You know the eldest Zabini child? Son of the Black Widow? We are... acquaintances and he is in Slytherin. Currently Neutral but I might sway him to the dark. If not, him being Neutral is best.

How are you, by the way? I'm fine, I'm pretty sure that I'll do well in classes. Years of tutoring helps with that. I've met the Warringtons and Pucey. I've also met Abella Rosier. She's a distant relative of ours, is she not? Those matters aside, how's Draco? Is he well?

We have classes tomorrow, or today, it depends when you get this letter (I'm writing this after the Welcoming Feast). I'm dorming with the Beaufort twins, Zabini, Theo and a muggleborn, Anthony McFerson. I know what you're thinking. A muggleborn, in Slytherin? Unheard of, but welcome. He brought some muggle stuff with him too and created elektrisity with a potato. The things muggles come up with. I'll stop gushing over those unblessed people now. I've got to go anyways.

Missing you,


P.S. Can you send some sweets? I want to show them to McFerson. That's definitely the reason.

Bellatrix read her son's neat cursive before sighing. Her son was precious to her, which was clear when it came to her mood. She was down ever since he left on the train

"Come now Bella, darling. You'll be seeing him for Christmas break, and he's writing to you", Rabastan said. Rodolphus left for work a little earlier, and his brother decided to keep her company. "And he didn't even mention me! His very own uncle!".

Bellatrix snorted. Rigel loved his uncle, sure, but he thought he was too eccentric. The man's voice interrupted her thoughts.

"He's lucky he gets to see Sevvy everyday. I think I'd be over the moon if I was him", Rabastan said wistfully. Bellatrix rolled her eyes.

"Rab, he's an eleven year old boy. I doubt he'll think himself as lucky", Bellatrix said. Rabastan huffed and sipped his tea. "He also said that there was a muggleborn in Slytherin". Rabastan's head shot up.

"Really? Oh my", Rabastan muttered. Bellatrix hummed. Bellatrix remembered her son's request.

"Rabastan, do you feel like candy shopping? Rigel wants me to give him some sweets", Bellatrix asked. Rabastan shrugged.

"I need to get some chocolate frogs for myself, so yeah; I think I'll join you", Rabastan answered, standing up. Bellatrix smiled and stood up as well.

Now, what sweets will Rigel want?..

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