Chapter Ten

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I've been so productive these past few days, like kudos to me. I apologize if you guys got like hella notifications and no updates. I've been revising previous chapters and adding cool new features and it hasn't exactly gone smooth. But with that said here's another chapter, enjoy! :):)

"Are you ready?" Noah inquired softly, reaching out to take Dylan's hand into his

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"Are you ready?" Noah inquired softly, reaching out to take Dylan's hand into his. The smell of roasting meat wafted through the air and the sound of laughing children rang throughout the whole neighborhood. Dylan stood in his spot, unmoving, too anxious about having to lie to everyone at the party. Noah squeezed his hand lightly, eliciting a weak, but visible nod from Dylan.

"As ready as I'm ever going to be." Dylan sighed, not really ready to face anyone at all, but just wanting to get the day over with. Dylan moved to the back of the car to retrieve Isabella's backpack in the trunk, taking heavy and leisurely steps to delay the inevitable fuckery that is hurling towards him at the speed of Kim Kardashian's first, and probably not last divorce.

Isabella, just as her father, was not in any kind of mood for bullshit today. She had been grumpy all throughout breakfast and even the promise of corn on the cob and barbecued spareribs did not lighten her currently sour disposition. The thing that was even more surprising than the food not helping with her attitude, was the way she completely ignored Noah.

Dylan had been carrying her for the better part of the day, and it felt like his arms were going to fall off by the time they were at his parents' house, but every time he tried to pry her off and hand her over Noah she would start screaming and flailing around.

That within it self was profoundly peculiar. Usually whenever Noah was around, Izzy would immediately gravitate towards him. Sometimes Dylan would question why Isabella was so fascinated with Noah, but he just came to the conclusion that the both of them probably had the same mindset, seeing as Noah was the biggest man-child of them all. Now though, she was regarding Noah like dirt under her shoes.

"Greetings to the lucky couple, Mazel Tov!" Dylan groaned for show, but he was undoubtedly genuinely elated that his best friend was both invited to the family function and agreed to grace them with her effervescent presence

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"Greetings to the lucky couple, Mazel Tov!" Dylan groaned for show, but he was undoubtedly genuinely elated that his best friend was both invited to the family function and agreed to grace them with her effervescent presence. "How's the beautiful princess feeling today then?" Melissa directed at Isabella. Dylan gave her a pointed look, trying to remind her about his feelings towards primitive and intellectually backwards gender roles, in addition to the despicable notion that the princess' only task in life is to preserve their virtue and wait for their father to marry them off to the wealthiest prince.

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