10:27pm (Waning Gibbous Moon)*

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A/N    ҉    ҉    ҉  

Because I'm feeling generous and I've finished writing this whole book so. Why not? (And remember, there's an asterisk up there)


Tying the rope around a tree, Lukas slowly slid down the hill, and he eventually reached the bottom. Lukas quickly flicked on his flashlight, and shone it around. Nothing... he didn't want to call for Jesse, in case he attracted more attention to himself.

Once again, he managed to get Jesse in trouble. If only he didn't want to take a walk into the woods... Lukas looked up at the moon and saw that it wasn't a full one. Thankfully.

A whine from ahead made him run straight to it. With one hand around his flashlight and the other around his penknife, he came across a clearing, where there were bones of small animals and decaying animal bodies.

Lukas covered his nose and breathed through his mouth. Damn.. it's stank like... Petra's mouth in the morning. (If he told her that to her face, he would've been killed, so... let's keep that to ourselves) He shone his flashlight around, hoping to see Jesse.

Suddenly, there was a loud snarl from behind him. Lukas flinched and turned just in time to see two wolves, fighting with each other.

Lukas quickly climbed onto a tree and watched as a silver-blue tinted wolf snapped at a dark grey wolf, both of them obviously challenging each other. Lukas almost slipped, trying to climb further up the tree, but he made a sound, making the two wolves look up at him.

The grey one had dark, black eyes but the other... had green. The green eyed wolf turned back to the grey wolf and pounced, drawing it away from Lukas. Lukas bit his lip as the two wolves fought again, trying to kill.

Lukas had to do something... but what? He looked down at the compass around his neck and his silver penknife. A loud whine made Lukas look up to see that the silver-blue wolf was pinned the the ground, and the grey wolf was trying to snap at his throat.

Thinking quickly, Lukas jumped down from the tree and ran up to the grey wolf. Thinking quickly, he plunged the knife into it's back, making it howl loudly, nearly deafening him

Lukas pulled out the knife, blood glistening on the blade as Lukas stabbed it again, this time, aiming for its heart. The wolf whined loudly and it started to run away, but it barely got a few steps before it fell to the ground, presumably dead. Lukas gasped for air, not believing that he had just killed... a werewolf.

Another whine from behind made him turn to see the green eyed wolf look at him weakly. It had scratches all across its body and one of its ears was hurt. Lukas held out a hand towards him, trying to show that he wasn't threatening.

Jesse just flattened his ears back and ran off, slipping into the darkness. Lukas tried not to feel hurt, since Jesse did tell him that he acted on instinct, not feelings. So it was obvious that wolves would do anything to avoid humans like him.

A snap of a twig made him flinch, immediately aiming his flashlight up to see that there were eyes watching him. The four wolves from just now...

Lukas dared not to break the eye contact, but he noticed something else... a fifth pair of eyes, barely visible in the darkness. Lukas couldn't tell what colour they were, but they were definitely coloured.

Suddenly, the wolves vanished again, but the coloured eyes stayed, still watching Lukas. A gentle wind blew around the both of them as Lukas refused to move.

Finally, the wolf vanished, disappearing into the darkness like Jesse did...

✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼  ҉  ✼


Lukas shot awake, trying to catch his breath. "Finally.. you're awake!" someone said, looking at him. Lukas blinked the light away, trying to get his bearings.

"Can you hear me?" Jesse waved his hand over Lukas's eyes.

"Ugh- Jesse?" Lukas rubbed his eyes. "What time is it?" he stifled a yawn. Jesse gently slapped Lukas's cheek, trying to wake him up.

"It's a Sunday, 7:22am." Jesse replied, walking away from Lukas's bed and opening the curtains.

"We have school tomorrow.. remember?" Jesse continued. Suddenly, it seemed like school was something that was unimportant and strange. "Why- when did you come back?" Lukas asked, getting off the bed.

Jesse frowned... "I remember shifting and Petra opening the door for me. I think it takes awhile for my human mind to come back.. because it still seems fuzzy... and stuff."

Lukas noticed that Jesse was wearing a plain white sleeveless shirt, which showed off the red scratches across his arms and a faint bite mark. "What are you looking at?" Jesse asked, glancing at him.

Lukas blushed, and turned to look out the window. "Nothing... I was just thinking that it was a good thing that we stayed out here. We're so close to the woods."

Jesse nodded in agreement. "It's a good house. But I guess we have to clean up today, seeing that I trashed my room and the attic."

Lukas sighed. "Lead the way then."

It was a good half an hour before the trio got started with the chore of cleaning up both rooms. Because they couldn't decide which room to start with first.

"Well, we cant let you roam around on the streets at every full moon, so I say that we lock you up in the attic." Petra was saying.

"If you leave me up there, I could... I dunno, hurt myself with the broken glass.. so can we clean that room up first?" Jesse replied.

Lukas just sighed, waiting for them to finish with their arguments. "Why not we just clean Jesse's room first? Seeing that his personal belongings are there?" he suggested.

"Jeez, having you guys as housemates is the worst." Petra sighed, picking up a broom and starting to clean up the broken glass.

It took them another two hours before they finished fixing up Jesse's room. They had to replace the wallpaper because Jesse had scratched that up pretty badly... and they found a photo album, which had belonged to Jesse's dad.

"He's been protecting the woods as far as I could remember.." Jesse said, running a hand across the album. Lukas walked up behind Jesse and looked at the first picture.

It showed a picture of a man holding up a map and pointing to the sunset. Lukas looked at Jesse, who smiled fondly and closed the book. "Let's keep going.."


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