11:53pm (Full Moon)*

91 6 1

(The Night before The Hunt)

Jesse's PoV

Jesse watched as Petra wiped away the blood from her mouth. "Yuck. I'm never doing that again." she muttered as they watched Aiden slowly start to wake up. Now... Jesse felt relieved.

He watched as Aiden slowly got to his feet and dimly looked at them, his brown and gold fur flashing in the darkness and his lime green eyes dull.

But still... he was alive. "You guys are gonna shift soon." Lukas's voice said from behind them. Jesse turned to see him, with a bow and a quiver of arrows sling across his back. "Wow.. someone's looking fancy." Petra whistled.

Lukas smirked. "Shut up, honey. They're for the hunters."

Jesse glanced at Aiden, who took a few steps down on the porch, to steady himself. "You're not going to shoot them, are you?" Jesse managed to say. Lukas shrugged.

"If they get to close to you guys. I'll trip them up with my fabulous tripwire arrows. Remember last June?" he grinned. Jesse rolled his eyes. "Don't remind me. I fell into the lake."

Jesse felt the familiar twist in his stomach. "I think we're gonna shift... wait- where's that woman and Gabriel?" he suddenly remembered them. "Huh.. I think they escaped into the woods. Gabriel would. And that woman, she should be a wolf by now."

There was another burst of gunfire and some cheering. "Move move move.! Go! Transform! Shift! Whatever!" Lukas shoved them off the porch impatiently, making Aiden flinch a little. Jesse was surprised that he was staying there. As if waiting for them.

Lukas waved a hand at their faces. "Okay, the rest of the pack are probably in the woods. So-."

"We regroup them. Yes. We heard you for the millionth time, Lukas." Petra said, rolling her eyes. Lukas smiled and kissed her on the lips. "See you later." he said, holding her hand.

Jesse turned away from them and saw Aiden's gaze on him. Jesse could see that he looked completely fine. As if that bite from Petra had healed him. Jesse had to wonder about that. Finally, he looked up at the full moon and his world became sharper.

Time to move.

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He hit the ground, running. This time, he had a brown wolf beside him and a white wolf as well. They had to find the others... and this time. It was even more dangerous with the hunters everywhere, invading the woods with their guns and bright torches.

The white wolf veered to the left just as a bullet flew past them. She was using her senses to predict the bullet paths. Jesse had to find the cave. The brown wolf nudged him and skidded to a stop.

Without warning, it tipped its head back and howled, calling the others. Jesse listened out and sure enough... he heard them. The white wolf howled as well, adding to the brown wolf's voice.

Jesse headed in the direction of the howls and then... they came across the first dead wolf.

But this was what she deserved. It was a midnight blue wolf- it's guts were everywhere. Probably been shot at. The brown wolf snarled at its corpse and continued, looking around for any possible threats. They had to move on. Quickly.

The three of them ran and came to a place they knew rather well. The clearing where Ivor has attacked Jesse... Jesse stopped, feeling the memories flood into his mind. However, just as he was about to move on, a wolf emerged from the bushes beside them, trailing blood.

It looked at them with orange eyes. Forest. It whimpered and started to walk towards them. But almost immediately, there was a flash of a bullet and blood. Jesse shrank back as the orange eyed wolf snarled at the place where the bullets had appeared from. Forest snapped at the hunters, who yelled in fear and fired a single bullet straight through his head, making Petra whine.

And Forest fell to the ground, dead.

Another wolf burst into the clearing, nearly skidding on the sloppy ground. It saw Forest and immediately whined. It's two scars on its eye made the wolf instantly recognisable. Chase. And that yellow-brown wolf behind him should be Jordan.

Jordan glanced at Jesse and the others, as if protecting them. Aiden nudged Jesse forward, urging him to make his move.

Chase glanced at the other four determinedly and attacked, the hunters, raking his claws against the hunter's faces. Blood splattered onto the ground as Chase attacked, killing off the humans one by one.

Jordan pushed Jesse forward, towards the cave, signalling them to leave. Instinct told Jesse to keep moving... and so he did, leaving the two young werewolves to deal with the hunters. Jesse raced towards the cave but was stopped by another hunter, aiming the barrel of a gun at Jesse's head.

Then there was a snarl as a light brown wolf tackled the man, sending him to the muddy ground. A she-wolf. Olivia. She bowed to the three of them and ran off, into the darkness. Jesse turned and continued moving, hearing the hunters coming closer and shouting incomprehensible words.

Finally, they came to a bright green clearing, but now... Jesse skidded to a stop, panting hard from their run.

Of all places... the hunters had to set up their campsite here. Jesse looked at Aiden, hoping for answers but the gold-brown wolf just looked at him worriedly. If they stayed here... they would be shot at immediately. "Over here!" someone shouted behind them, making all three wolves flinch.

"Get them then!" another hunter called as they threw nets towards the three wolves.

Jesse saw that one of them was about to capture Aiden. Thinking quickly, Jesse slashed through the nets and swung his arm, leaving three long scars across the man's face. He screamed with pain as Aiden and Petra ran, with Jesse following closely behind.

They had no where else to go.. they were trapped in these woods.


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