9:37am (Waning Gibbous Moon)

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"Just stay calm, and you'll be fine." Lukas was telling Jesse, who was trying not to make eye contact with anyone. "But... I feel like shifting... and biting someone." Jesse clenched his teeth, making Lukas tighten his grip around his arm.

"I know.. but just tolerate it, Petra said that you'll shift for a few days after the full moon so you can shift tonight, okay? I think that'll make the nausea go away." Lukas whispered to him.

Jesse bit his lip. "O-okay."

"Is there something wrong, Jesse?" their teacher asked from the front of the room as she looked at the two of them. Lukas shook his head, smiling. "He's okay, he's just cold." he reassured her.

Just as their teacher was about to say something else, someone entered the classroom, followed by the principal. And when a student gets followed by the principal like that, it meant that there was a new student. Great.

The principal talked to the teacher for awhile, who looked at the new boy. The teacher smiled and waved goodbye to the principal as he closed the door behind him.

"Alright students," Their teacher patted the new boy on the shoulder, "We have a new student today, his name is Aiden and he's going to join us for the whole of this year and next year. So please make him feel welcomed, alright?" she said to everyone.

The boy looked at the teacher and at the class, his yellow eyes catching everyone's attention. They stood out as much as Jesse's did. "Alright Aiden, why don't you sit next to Jack over there?" their teacher said, pointing to the seat beside Jack, their classmate who was blind in one eye.

Aiden nodded without saying anything, and went over to him. Lukas turned to Jesse, who was looking at Aiden as well.

"Okay, so let's begin.."

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When school ended, everyone streamed out into the sunshine again, making their way home. Lukas and Jesse walked together, side by side.

"There's something strange about the new guy." Jesse said, still clutching Lukas's arm tightly. Lukas frowned. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, did you even hear him talk? At all?" Jesse pointed out as they crossed the street. Lukas narrowed his eyes. "Wow... now that you say it, I've never heard him speak up, even when Miss Simmons asked him a question."

"Yeah, it's stra-." Jesse suddenly winced, and held his head with one hand. "Jesse? What's wrong?" Lukas asked urgently.

"There's.. like a high pitched noise... from the woods." Jesse pointed to the cluster of trees. "Should we check it out? Shut it off?" Lukas suggested. Jesse nodded, still covering his ears. Lukas wondered why wasn't it affecting him though.. maybe it had something to do with Jesse.

They walked right into a clearing, where there was nothing but a pile of leaves and a spider web in between some trees. "Uh- nothing's here." Lukas said obviously. Jesse looked around.

"The pain stopped... but-." Jesse suddenly pushed Lukas backwards just as a knife hurled towards them and embedded itself in a tree. Then someone laughed, making Lukas pull out his silver penknife.

"Which one of you is it?" that same voice called from within the shade of the trees. Lukas held up his knife at the sound. "What do you mean?" he demanded, holding up his knife higher.

"Only werewolves can hear this high pitched frequency." that same voice said and there was a click of a device. At the same time, Jesse winced again, covering his ears.

"That's the one. The brown haired boy. But the blonde is obviously a human." another voice said from behind them.

"What do you want?" Jesse called, clenching his fists. The bushes in front of them rustled, making Lukas ready to attack.

A man with dark skin and black eyes appeared. He wore a dirty grey sweater and a white shirt, and black pants. "Just get on with it then. What do you want from us?" Jesse demanded.

The man narrowed his eyes, making Jesse falter. "You're obviously one of us. A human wouldn't respond to our call. Which is why your friend here... can't tell what's happening." the man gestured to Lukas, who glared at him.

"So you're a werewolf... like me?" Jesse asked. The man nodded. "I'm the beta of the pack, since Soren can't be here, he sent me. I've come to warn you."

"Hurry up, Gabriel.. we can't stay here for long." a female voice said from behind the two boys.

Gabriel nodded, "He's not dead yet." he said simply.

"What? Who's not dead?" Jesse asked, worried.

"You know that werewolf which your friend killed? Yeah, he's not dead yet. We've been watching the both of you and I'm surprised by your attentiveness... the fact that you found out that silver can repel us, and the full moon phases."

"Ivor wants to infect and create as many werewolves as he can, since-."

"We all know he's super crazy." a man piped up from behind Gabriel.

"And he's very dangerous... we'd all shift tonight, since it'll take a few nights after the full moon for us to become stable again. So, blonde," Gabriel looked at Lukas, who was writing everything down.

"Don't go into the woods anymore, it's very dangerous for a human. We're doing our best to detain him, but he's always managed to defeat us again and again." Gabriel sighed.

Jesse frowned. "Do you... you look familiar." he said, looking at him.

Gabriel smiled. "You're Detective Jones's son, right? Jesse Jones?"

"You know my dad?" Jesse asked, his eyes wide. The female voice laughed.

"He's been a friend to us for ages. He helped us to settle in these woods and keep Ivor at bay for the longest time. That necklace around your blonde friend? It helped us a lot." she said.

Gabriel nodded. "Just take care of yourself, boy. We'll see you tonight." with that, he stood up and vanished into the woods again.

Lukas stared at Jesse, unable to process what just happened.


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