Chapter 4

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19-1-13's POV

I punched the now bloody pillar again and started to jog around after I turned around. I ignored the electricity of my arms and legs healing. I sighed and got lost in thought as I kept jogging. I felt the presence of people nearby but swiftly ignored it as I kept my pace. I tuned everything but my heart beat and breathing out. I had to keep those relaxed so I wouldn't show weakness. After another hour of tuning stuff out I felt a shock of electricity shoot up my leg in turn I fell over and began to shake as more shocks ran thru my body. I bit my tongue and sealed my eyes shut, tasting copper I felt some drops fall to the ground as it stopped. I hopped to attention and spotted Stripper and Widow at the door.

"Do I have any orders?" I question, once again making the appearance of being terrified of Widow. I ignored the blood dripping from my mouth as I looked at the two.

"You had been ignoring us. We apologize for shocking you but we needed your attention. You are going to be following Widow. Those are your orders." Stripper replies, he sounds like a veteran or soldier. Humming softly I walked to the door and waited. I took note of the guards as I took a step out. I'm smaller then almost everyone here, I stand at 5'7. Widow is only roughly 5'5 but she wears shoes to make her taller then me. So I am the shortest right now. I held my hands with my wrists up, watching Widow put on my restraints. I placed them in front of me and took note of the way Stripper tensed as he looked at my wrist. I fell into the same place as last time with Widow. Making sure my feet made noise I followed her out and down a hallway. I listened to the guards and Stripper behind me. I didn't care about them, they were easy enough. My focus was my orders. Widow stopped in front of a door.

"Soldier go in, sit down in the chair facing the door and answer anything with honesty." She ordered. I straightened my still bare back and nodded, she unlocked the door and I walked in. Following orders I sat in the chair. I felt clasps around my ankles as I sat down. They were making sure I didn't run. Again with the orders mates.

"Ah soldier long time no see!" Agent Hero clapped his hands together as he entered. He looked at me usual expression and sighed, taking a seat.

(Italics are Hero Bold is 19-1-13)

"Who are you?"

"Asset 19-1-13 product of HYDRA experimentation, sir!"

"Where are other HYDRA bases?"

"Sir I apologize but I do not know that information."

"That is all right soldier. Do you know who was in charge of your experiments?"

"No sir."

"Do you know your abilities?"

"According to my file if my heart rate gets to high my anger becomes a being that takes over. I have extreme healing properties unless that serum is in my system. I have strength beyond most my age. I have high endurance and stamina. I have slightly above average intelligence. And I tend to space out unless given orders"

"That all soldier?"

"Yes sir."

"Good day soldier."

I gave a slight nod as he left. Of course I didn't tell him them ALL. I knew behind the glass was my handlers and their friends. I can hear the heart beats. Its annoying to say the least. Minimum of six people watching me. Taking a breathe I focused on the calmest one and eased my heart rate to theirs. I looked up when the man that had came in my cell walked in.

"Are you alright sir? I had kicked you hard enough to break bones..."

"I'm fine kid. What was that about anyway? Seemed like PT-"

"sorry for speaking out of turn but that is not my information to give. Now may I please go back in my cell. I was in the middle of something when I was taken away"

"alright kid. I'll ask em"

I hummed a thanks at the guy, watching his metal hand as he left. Tapping on my thigh I remembered my morse code training. I felt someone zero their eyes in on me and I repeated it.

'.., ,.-,--, ,.-, ,-.-,..,.-..,.-..,.,.-.'(I am a killer)

I heard one heart pick up as I kept repeating it over and over again. It was a force of habit. But it was true. I am a killer. Suddenly I was being dragged out and thrown into my cell. I forced my heart to slow down. I needed to stay calm. The restraints were off and I immediately went back to jogging around. I felt caged. I've felt it before. Its a pain. I started running a normal human speed which still made me itch so I kicked it up to the HYDRA agent's speed. That dulled the itch enough. I kept at it until the agents would normally be tired, sighing I slowly stopped and panted. Crouching over I gulped in some more air. I seriously hated acting this weak. After a couple minutes of faking it I walked over to the bloody beam. Humming I slammed my leg into the corner. I needed to feel the electricity to calm down. As soon as my leg cracked in an awkward angle someone opened the door. I looked over, I think their name was Banner. I can't remember. Sighing I limped over to the metal corner and laid my leg flat. Quite on instinct I laid completely flat.

"Why'd you just break your leg? Wait no I don't want an answer I'm gonna go grab some medical stuff. Stay. Here." The man sighed, leaving with the door closing behind him. Sighing I forced myself to focus on that area instead of healing my muscles. Gritting my teeth at the pain that my power had been forcing back I took in a sharp breath. When the doctor got back I was ready to sleep and my leg was healed. Apparently he forgot was he was gonna say because his mouth acted like a fish's annoying honestly. Grumbling I rolled over so my back faced him and I promptly fell asleep as Natalia(Natasha's real name) ran in looking for Banner. I hummed softly as darkness over took my senses. The last thing I remember was my fingers tapping the morse code that I was using earlier.

Widow's POV(I'm lazy AF okay)

I saw Banner inside the cell with the HYDRA agent and my feet stalled before rushing in grabbing Banner's arm.

"The hell Banner? This kid is dangerous and you're in here ALONE?!" I whispered to the man, I wasn't sure if the kid in question was awake or not. I dragged Banner out as he stammered something about the kid breaking his leg and after minutes it was healed. I rolled my eyes and turned off the lights.

"Banner you know you can't go into that room unless there are others around! He can break your neck and not have any feelings afterwards!!" I snapped at the man. He sighed in defeat and walked off while mumbling something. I didn't hear, I turned my attention back to the cell where I heard soft thumps. It was clearly muffled by the walls so I walked in. I was as silent as ever as if I was on a mission even. But the kid froze in place for a second before picking up his shirt and putting it on. I watched as he promptly stood at attention. The hell this kid was either following orders to the atom or waiting for them as if his life were on the line.

"At ease. Continue as you were." I said, taking a seat so I was hidden from view. He nodded like usual and went to the bloodier support beam. I never saw blood on him so I didn't know where it came from. I watched as he began kicking and punching the beam. He seemed far more practiced and agile then the other agents and assets I've met. He still seems like he's holding back. I don't like it.

"Soldier. Do not hold back." I ordered, almost instantly he spun around and slammed his leg into the beam where it cracked under the impact. I choked slightly on air and coughed to cover it up.

"Never mind" I stood up and left, still hearing the thuds from his practice. He is a confusing one. I see why Fury wants him caged so bad. He's dangerous. He dangerous and chaotic.

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