+ Fool Me Once, Shame On You +

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Closing the front door, I already felt sick being forced to breathe the same air as Shizuo. As much as my gut told me to throw him out and isolate myself from the world that kept spinning even without me, I was set on proving Shinra wrong. Who made him so high and mighty that he thought he could change the inevitability of my looming suicide? He knew where this dirt road had led us last time, so why did he think this outcome would prove to be any different than the last? Scoffing, I threw the thoughts of him from my head, revoking his status as one of the humans I loved so very dearly. He was garbage as low as Shizuo Heiwajima and I would not stand for my thoughts to be poisoned any longer by the mere notion of him. 

Glancing over at the monster, I felt abhorrent seeing him so comfortably sat on my futon, flipping through the channels of my TV as if this situation wasn't as repulsive to him as it was to me.  Twisting my face in disgust, I practically dragged myself to my staircase, not having enough physical energy, let alone mental energy, to provoke him. It was nearly half past 9 and way past the acceptable time I allotted for dealing with the brute.

Slithering up the stairs, I heard the blond menace rise from his spot on the couch, and soon his steps followed closely behind mine. Stopping abruptly, I put my face in my hands, so very close to breaking already, I didn't need this moron here provoking me further. 

"You really are a dog, huh?" I teased, my voice tired and languid, not sounding anywhere near as playful and mocking as I'd intended, "Stop following me it's revolting. If I distance myself from you, I might actually be able to pretend you're dead and gone or something of the sort," Turning around and meeting his golden eyes, I was shocked to find a glimpse of hurt residing in his gaze before hardening into the emotionless orbs I'd expected to face. 

He averted his stony gaze, "I was there when you called Flea. I'm not doing this for you, so don't mistake it as that. I hate you, and that won't change, but I won't watch you destroy Shinra with your selfish suicide," His words bordered on being venomous, but something deep inside held him back. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't intrigued by his sudden self control, "You might not give a shit about Shinra, but don't forget that he still offers you kindness. That's more than you can say about the majority of Japan, so I'd start to think about my actions if I were you,"

My cold, lifeless laugh resounded throughout the room. Was I on a prank TV show? Please, come out, show me the hidden cameras! This was simply too much of a joke to be sincere! "Oh please! You're really going to tell me to be considerate of my actions? You, of all people? Oh Shizu-chan this is too funny of a joke, you're hurting my ribs!" I wiped the humor fueled tears that had started to build in my eyes, "You rip up any street sign, trash can, and vending machine in your path! How can you hypocritically preach to me about consideration when you lose your temper at the drop of a pin? You really are an idiot, even bigger of an idiot than I had originally thought!" 

My laughing enticed a low growl from him, obviously grating on his nerves. Oh I was sure it wouldn't be long now. I was going to win! The anticipation was killing me, victory in my grasp, sweet sweet fucking death at the hands of this inhuman being leering over me, the final blow in having the world considering him as the monster he was-

"You can laugh all you want Flea, but no matter how much you fucking taunt me, I'm staying right here until you're back to your fucked up self," He breathed out, anger dissipating in the air, and ultimately breaking my ecstasy filled internal victory speech, "You've sunk low into the filth of Japan before, but you've had an extra stink about you lately. It really fucking stinks, so stop this and get better already Izaya,"

As much as my internal self wanted to tease him endlessly about his beastly sense of smell, furthering proof he was far from human might I add, I was too taken aback at my name rolling off his tongue so casually. It sent a cold shiver down my spine at the unfamiliarity of it all. 

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