The talk in the park

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Dally's POV

As we were walking to the park I kept going through my head on how she got that bruise the Soc that tackled her didn't punch. Did he? No I don't think so. Her eyes did seem a little red and puffy was she crying last night?

I turned around to see her stuffing her face with the chips she took. She looked kinda cute...WHAT DID I JUST SAY. She caught me staring at her and stopped stuffing her face." Why are you smiling at me you creep" she asked. I didn't even realized I was staring." Umm... you have a little something on your face" I reached over and wiped a piece of crumb off her face. She blushed ha I guess she isn't as tough as I thought. " don't touch me" she said looking away with rosy cheek, well with one anyway since the other is bruised. "Here we can talk here " I said taking a seat under a big shady tree.

Your POV

I sat next to dal ready to lie straight through my teeth." So you gonna tell me what happened" he asked. "Ya... so basically when I got home there was no light so I ran into the wall and yeah that's how I got the bruise on my cheek" I said not making eye contact but smiling at the end to play it off. "Mhm sure if that had happened you could've told me in the store"he said clearly not believing me. " uhh..."* damn it what do I say* " well you see... uhhh...thanks for the talk bye" I said getting and tried getting away but tripping over and root and landed on my stomach 'stupid bruise' I thought. "Well damn Y/N are you drunk or something" He says coming over to see if I got hurt anywhere else. "No" I groan because of the pain " dally look I appreciate you trying to figure out what's wrong with me but, I would really like it if you dropped it and leave me alone" He gave me a sadden look in those brown eyes of his ( I know I said I was going to do the book description but eh). Sadness. I've never thought Dallas Winston would look sad about leaving someone alone. He stared at my Y/E/C and I looked at his. Dal
got up " alright if that's what you want I'll leave you alone, but not before I do this" he pulled out a piece of paper that had his number and gave it to me. " Give me a call would ya" he turned and left without one last glance.

I sighed out loud leaning against the tree one hand on my stomach and one on my cheek lightly touch both. I picked up the paper and thought about it. " Maybe someone else does care about me other than Y/BF/N" I said to my self. I got up from the tree wincing a little and headed to her house she'll help me with the bruises.

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