Chapter 3.

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That afternoon..

Ash's P.O.V

Niall offered to walk me home that afternoon. I thought it would be nicer than walking home alone and seeing as he lived next to me, it wasn't such a bad walk. 

We walked in a comfortable silence for a while. It wasn't awkward, just nice. 

"So, how you liking England?" he asked, ending the silence. 

I shrugged. "It's really nice actually, I think I like it better here than America if I'm honest,"

"Is it hard? I mean, leaving your friends and all behind? It was hard for me." he told me.

I shrugged again, "Actually, I didn't have any friends."

He looked taken aback. "What? You had no friends? Not one?" 

I nodded, "I've had to move a lot, so I didn't really bother trying to make friends," 

He had a strange look on his face, an unreadable one. "Well then, does that mean I'm your first friend?" he asked, grinning as he did so. 

I laughed a bit, "I guess it does."

We approached the end of our street. "Is your mum home? There's no car at your house." Niall asked. 

"Nope," I said popping the 'p'. "home alone, again."


I nodded, "She always works late. I'm actually rather okay with it, means I can walk around naked." I said, winking at him. 

He burst out laughing, "The money I'd pay to see that!"

I punched his arm gently, "Oi, shut up, you!" I laughed.

There was something about Niall, usually I'd be all awkward and shy around new people, but not Niall. I could totally be myself around him, and he doesn't even care. I like him. But not in that way. I mean, I like him as a friend. It's to early for that.

"Well, this is me. I'll see you tomorrow probably?" He said when we reached his driveway. 

"Yeah, if you're lucky," I said, winking again.

He smiled and started for his front door. He turned and waved one last time before entering his house and closing the door. 

I smiled to myself, and then continued up my driveway. When I got inside my house, I knocked off my shoes and took a sneaky peak out the living room window. I saw Niall knocking on his door, and  then sitting down on the step, head in hands. He must have been locked out. I decided to invite him in, since my mum wasn't here. 

I walked to my front door, and shouted across to him. 

"Niall!" I shouted, he looked up. "Locked out?"

"Yep." He replied. 

I stifled a giggle while he muttered something about his dad that I didn't quite catch. 

"Wana come in?" I asked. 

He hesitated a minute, before getting up, "Sure," he said. When he entered my house, he said thanks. 

"This happen often?" I asked, once we had crashed on my sofa. 

He nodded. "Couple odd times a week. The man needs to get me a key!" 

I laughed at Niall's annoyed face. "You hungry?" I asked. I was pretty hungry myself, and as he was locked out, I thought we may as well eat as I don't know what time his parents will be home. 

He looked at me, a shocked expression on his face. "It's like you don't even know me!" he mocked. 

I raised my eyebrow at him. "Uh, Niall? I don't know you," I laughed. 

"Well, first thing you should know, I'm never not hungry." he winked. 

"That makes two of us," I winked back, "so, what yah want to eat?" 

He was in deep thought for a moment. "I say we head to The Pizza Bar!" 

"What's that?" I asked, raising an eyebrow, again. 

He laughed, "Obviously a pizza restaurant, it's right there in the name, Ash."

I rolled my eyes, "Shut up," I dragged out the 'up'.

"So we going or do you have other plans?" He winked. 

I groaned, "Fine, just let me change and fix my make-up."

"Why do girls always have to wear make-up?" He asked, irritated, running a hand through his blonde hair.

I shrugged, "I suppose it makes me feel better about the way I look." 

"I'll never understand, you're beautiful," He said, without even getting uncomfortable. Was he taking the mick out if me? Or was it just a friendly compliment? Well whatever it was, I couldn't help the blush creeping up on my face. Nobody has ever called me beautiful before, except for my dad. I shuddered at the thought of my father. 

"I'll be right back," I told Niall before hurrying upstairs. 

Niall's P.O.V

I watched as Ashleigh left the room leaving me with my thoughts. Which is usually okay, I mean I usually think about food but not today. I wasn't thinking about food when Ashleigh left, I was thinking about Ashleigh.

She was beautiful, smart and probably one of the sweetest girls I have met. What was happening to me? I think I might be starting to like her. No! Niall, snap out of it, you have a girlfriend! 

Suddenly my train of thought switched to Emily. If she caught me at The Pizza Bar with Ash, well, I don't even want to know what she would do to Ash. 

My phone started ringing, knocking my from my thoughts. I looked at the caller I.D. Emily. Wow, that's creepy. I sighed before answering. 

"Hey babe," I said into the phone. 

"Hey Niall, where are you?"  She asked, oddly calm for Emily.

"Uh, I was locked out so I'm in next door, why?" I told her, not exactly lying, just not telling the truth either.

"Well, I kind of need to talk to you. You think you could meet me behind the corner market in 5 minutes?"

"Um," I thought for a minute, "yeah, I'll be there."

"Great, see you soon,"  She said, before hanging up. 

Well, that was odd. Emily seemed strangely calm for once. What could she possibly want to talk to me about? 

I decided that I'd better leave now if I was going to the corner market. I started walking up the stairs and gently knocked on the door I'm guessing was the bathroom. 

"Yes?" came Ashleigh's soft voice. 

"Um, I have to go do a message now, but I'll meet you at The Pizza Bar in 15 minutes, if that's okay?" 

"Yeah, sure, but where abouts is The Pizza Bar?" she asked. 

"Just go down the road to the next crossroads, then turn left and it's just up that road a bit." I told her. 

"Thanks, see yah soon," her American accent came through the door. 

"Sorry about this," I felt kind of guilty, ditching her for Emily again. 

"It's fine, now go on," she laughed. 

I left her house, and began running down the road to the corner market, where I am supposed to meet Emily. 


Short chapter, I know, but I'll try and make the rest longer :-) comment, fan, vote, love you guys<3 xx  

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