|| Chapter One ||

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You walked through the streets of london slowly. You weren't exactly the 'rich' type, You were

(y/n) (l/n), a street performer.

You kept walking, your clothes ripped and sagging.You only had a little sister to take care of, considering she was only seven

she wasnt that hard to handle.

Your thoughts flew into a flashback of watching your parents get murdered. They were both shot by an unknown man. He hadn't seen you but he saw your sister. You remebered flinging yourself infront of you sister blocking the butler that was going to hit her.

Luckly it had only hit you in the shoulder. Since you weren't hurt terribly you picked up your sister, who was three at the time, and ran away.

Your thoughs were harsly interupted when you ran into someones chest.

"Hey! Watch where you're going next time!" The person, who you assumed was a boy snarled.

"S-sorry..." You replyed looking up, only to see the cute blond boy. 'Man, he's kinda cute' you though.

"Hey! Pay attention to me when im speaking!" The blonde snapped his fingers infront of your face.

"Sorry...That was very rude of me" you mumbled as he lifted your head since you were looking down again.

'Hm. She has a cute face. I want her as a servant, hopefully she would be better than that nusince Hannah.' He though staring at your face.

"I dont mean to be rude by any means, but could you please stop staring at me?" You asked him as polietly as you could. He snapped out of his trance and shouted for someone he called Claude.

"Claude! I want this girl to work as a personal maid for me. What do you say- uh..sorry i didnt pick up your name" He spoke kindly

"Oh...uh well im (y/n). (y/n) (l/n)."

"Such a lovely name for a lovely girl. Anyways will you be my personal maid (y/n)? Please!" he whinned.

'What else am i supposed to say? your mind rambled on with though, an finally you answered "I guess. If i might ask what is your name?"

The blonde started doing a little happy dance then stopped to reply. "How rude of me. I am Earl Alois Trancy of the Trancy household" He bowed then returned to doing his happy dance.

You gasped hearing his name 'Alois Trancy wants me to be his personal maid? Me?! Out of all people hm. might aswell give it a shot though. Might not be so bad'

"Claude! Get the carriage ready! We have to go back and get (y/n) ready for her new job!"

Alois grabbed your hand and dragged you to the carriage. He sat you down in the seat across from him and the carriage began moving. And thus your journey to the Trancy house hold had begun.


Author-chan; Ello! I havent written a story like this before so i'll see how it goes. Sorry for any mistakes in grammar or anything. Possibly if im not lazy tommorow i'll update. It's 3 AM so im gonna go to sleep now. bye~

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