Chapter 33

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End of the month and day before Warped.

So today is the last day with the guys.

They're getting beer and shit while the girls and I are sitting out by the pool at Brian's.

"It's fucking crazy how we're together again." I say grabbing a beer.

"Right?" Brooklyn says.

"But hey we're here now." Abby says lifting her wine cooler up. "Cheers to somehow finding each other again!" All of our glasses clink then all hell breaks loose.

"GET THEM!!"Matt yells and water balloons are being thrown and we are being sprayed with water.

"Motherfuckers!!" I laugh as Zacky is chasing me around the pool with a water gun.

"Paisley run!!" Abby yells as the guys throw them in the pool.

"Where do you think you're going?" Matt says standing in front of me with the guys now behind him.

"Oh shit." I run towards the hose and the guys split up.

I go to turn it on and...

"Gotcha." Brian laughs and throws me over his shoulders.

"Noo!" I squeal as Brian throws me in the pool.

As I surface I hear the guys laughing and see them high fiving.

"Welcome to the club!" Abby laughs.

"Well, I guess I can say I'm wet because of Synyster Gates." I say getting out of the pool.

"Fuck yeah you are." He puts his arm around me and smirks.

"Hands off my woman Gates." Matt grabs my hand.

"Hands off my...." He looks at me.

"Bitch." Zacky joins in and puts his arm around me also.

"Oh really now?" Matt chuckles and crosses his arms.

"Yep." I say and the guys pick me up and carry me to a chair. The rest of the assholes join.

"Last day sucks ass." I whine.

"You'll see us in a few months." Jimmy says.

"Few months my ass." Brooklyn rolls her eyes.

"Hey, let's not be Debbie Downer's. Okay? Let's talk about...hell...I don't know." Brian says walking inside.

"I have something." I laugh and look at Brooklyn.

"Oh God." She steals Jimmy's Jack Daniels and takes a sip.

"So we were all in band. Yeah I know what nerds. But whatever. So the girls in the back were dancing and Brooklyn wanted to join in. Let me mind you, she had braces, blonde hair..."

"Wasn't attractive." She adds.

"You couldn't not be attractive look at you." Jimmy boops her nose.

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