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Five people sat around a fire pit, the dim light casting an eerie glow across their faces. The youngest was about 14, the oldest 20. Four were girls, and one was a boy.
The youngest wore a black flowing cloak over a dark, green velvet dress. She had deep emerald eyes, pale, lightly freckled skin and short, curly, coal-black hair.
The next youngest, a boy of about 15 or 16, wore a dark blue hunting jacket a size or two too large, with dozens of assorted pockets. His pants were black and loose, and he wore brown leather boots. Startling gold eyes were shining beneath his hood, and deep golden brown hair was slightly peeking out, barely visible. He had an evident tan, though it looked to be fading.
The third oldest, a girl of about 18, wore black leather hunting gear, and had a bow and quiver slung over her shoulder. Her eyes were a pale jade green, and her hair was red, curled and unruly, tucked into the back of her jacket. Her skin was tanned and freckled.
The last two were the same age, though they looked completely different. One was wearing a silky red gown, trimmed with golden thread. She had straight, long blonde tresses, blue-gray eyes, and a small silver tiara perched upon her head.
The other was wearing a blue dress, short and tight fitting, with a black cloak over top. Her wavy hair was a pale violet, and her eyes a deep brown. Both had fair skin, and neither had freckles. They sat in silence, until at last, the one with the crown upon her head spoke.
"Thank you for coming, to this gathering we have organised. We are so grateful that you could make it. We're so glad, my kin, that you have all came. We-"
The boy cut her off, a sly smirk lifting the corners of his mouth. "Oh, we this, we that, I don't know what you're talking about, Your Majesty. There is no plural, unless, of course, you were using the royal we, in which case-"
"Yes, Anubis." She interrupted coldly. "I was using the royal we."
"Well, in that case, proceed with all haste, I'm already bored half to death," Anubis said, leaning back, an idle grin playing on his face.
"As we were saying before we were most rudely interrupted," she continued with a pointed look at her brother, "we thank you all for coming. Hestia, we know how hard it must have been to excuse yourself from hunt duties."
The red head shrugged, a few stray curls falling across her face. "My hunt understood, though Ares and Artemis were loathe to let me leave."
"We tire of your children's foolishness," the woman said with a dismissal flick of her ring adorned hand.
Hestia stood furiously, her hair gleaming in the firelight. "You dare not-!"
Anubis found his feet quickly, putting a hand on her shoulder. "Sister," he said softly, "Isis may be cruel, but we need to discuss certain matters with her."
Hestia scowled, but slumped back onto the log she was seated on beforehand, shrugging off her brother's hand.

The youngest girl spoke. "Why all the secrecy, Queen Isis?"
The Queen looked at her sister sharply. "What secrecy?" She snapped.
"Well, why else would we be in a desolate forest, with no guards in sight?" She asked, the very picture of innocence. Her voice was like the finest silk, flowing across her red satin lips like a stream, soothing and deceitful.
The woman with violet hair laughed. "You always were too clever for our good Minerva." She remarked. "The reason we are unguarded, as you most likely suspected, is because our dear sister has lost her castle. She was lacking in money to care for it." A startled silence followed this statement, in which Isis fixed her twin sister with a furious glare, and Anubis and Hestia exchanged meaningful glances.
"That," said Isis softly, "is why we asked you here." She looked suddenly very young and fragile, no longer a regal Queen, but a frightened adolescent. "We've lost our beautiful palace, and we need your help."
Anubis snorted. Loudly. "Will you stop with the 'we' thing? Seriously, why, Izzy?" Isis looked shocked when he used the old pet name, and Anubis looked quite baffled too, as if he hadn't meant to say it at all. He hadn't called her Izzy in years.
"I expect," said her twin, "she wants to keep as much pretence of still being in full control as possible."
"Hekate!" Isis said, the pain behind her anger evident. "I asked you all here to help me! Not to make fun of my situation!"
Hekate looked slightly abashed and a little guilty. "I'm sorry. What would you like from us, Isis?"
She allowed herself to look hopeful for a second. "Well, there isn't enough food to go around, as Aqos are rebuking trades for what we have. They want precious metals and coal."
Minerva's eyes glimmered dangerously. "Where are you going with this, sister?"
"They also want hunting goods." Isis said, as if her sister hadn't spoken.
Hestia glowered. "Sister, if you're proposing that my hunt become slaves to your children, then-"
"My children," Isis interrupted, "have the blood of rulers, not hunters. You gave up all titles of royalty when you left-"
"They were trained to hunt, not bred!" Hestia spat furiously. A hot wind made her hair billow, a wind that hadn't been there before. "Just as your children were schooled to rule!" Anubis stood and laid a hand on his sister's arm.
"Tia. Calm down, you're just playing into her hands. This is how she wants you to be." He said heavily. Hestia gave her older sister a withering glare, then collapsed back onto the log, the hot wind dying down immediately.

"Isis," Minerva said in a blisteringly calm voice, "who do you suppose will do the mining? Not my dark-ones, I hope." There was a veiled threat hidden behind her seemingly curious words.
"Yes," replied Isis, "I wish for the dark-ones to mine for us." As the younger girl opened her mouth to argue, Isis held up a hand. "We will all starve without it, save Hestia's hunt.
Minerva closed her eyes tightly, shaking her head.
"Min, please-"
"I will do it." She choked out, as if the words were barbed and cut her throat. "But they will be fed first, Izzy." Isis opened her mouth to protest, but Minerva cut her off. "They will be fed first. Or, it will not happen."
The older girl sighed. "Very well, Minerva. They will be fed first."
"Swear it." The youngest spat, her eyes like knives. "Swear it on the lives of you and your children."
Isis hesitated for a split second, then nodded.
"I swear it."

[UNDER RECONSTRUCTION] Minerva- Book I in The Chronicles of LabrilantisWhere stories live. Discover now