XI- Lilly

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Kiel wakes me up.

"It's market day! Were going to the market!" He says loudly in a singsong voice. I jump up immediately. I don't know why, but the market seems like a thing to be excited for. Maria walks in frowning.

"What about her hair?" She retorts.

"We have dye." He says with an eyebrow raised. Maria storms off and comes back with blue dye, the same color as her's and Kiel's hair. She fills a sink with it and tells me to stick my head in the sink. I look at Kiel, and he nods, so I dye my hair blue. I shudder when I think of what Mum would do if she saw me now. Maria lends me a blue, scaly dress, not unlike her own, and tells me it's made of mermaid skin. I shudder, but put it on anyway.

We walk the path to the market, Kiel telling me about the cities history. I spot a building, taller than the others. It looks like a palace, made of.... Chess pieces?

"What's that?" I ask, pointing to it. Kiel looks up.

"Huh? Oh, that's the palace of Cesse." He says. I laugh. "What's so funny?" He asks. I shake my head.

"Oh, there's a game at my place that's called Chess, and the pieces look some of the bits of your palace." I explain.

"Well, Queen Alice was a Fair-haired from your world." He says. "She was the first queen of Labrilantis. She liked to call this place 'The Land of Many Wonders'." I purse my lips to hold back a grin. Alice from 'Wonderland'?

When we finally get to the market, I feel right at home. It's like my town. Maria tells us to meet her when the sun sets, and we walk around the market. I notice a stall I'm interested in, and Kiel and I stop. They're selling jewellery. The one I'm looking at is a silver chained bracelet with little golden animal charms hanging off it.

"Hang on." Kiel whispers in my ear.

"Sir!? He much is this bracelet?" He asks. The man looks up. He's around 50, with blue eyes and no hair. He has definite smile wrinkles.

"Eh? It'd be funny, you ain't the firs' un to be callin' me Sir today. A young lass, 'bout 13, she called me Sir. And I say, I says, I wouldn't be callin' an' ol' Miner like me Sir, I wouldn't. Call me Mace, I says. Ev'ry un does." Mace says. "'Er 'air was fair, it was, an' she looked on da blin' side she did. She tol' me she'd be blin'. 'Er name is... Eh, what's 'er name, Bill?" He turned to the man next to him.

"Erin! Bloody 'ell, Mate, you'll be go in' deaf soon!" Bill chuckled.

"Yeesh! I ain't that bad am I? Yes 'er name id be Erin, it would." Mace continues. This catches my attention.

"Erin?" I ask. "Could I please talk to her? Tonight perhaps?" Mace laughs.

"'Ell, 'our can see 'er right now!" He tells me.

"Erin! Dere's a lass 'ere to see ya!" He hollers. Out comes a girl wearing a pink feathered, strapless dress, and yellow leggings. She has the prettiest blonde hair I have ever seen, and bright blue eyes I can finally see.

"Erin." I whisper. "Erin!" I repeat, loudly this time.

"Lilly?" She asks.

"That's me!" I smile.

"'Ell, looky 'ere! Erin, you chummy wit' dis un, are ya? Wadda say ya name was, Lilly?" Mace asks delightedly. "'Ell, since you're all dressed up an' all, 'ou can go market in' wit' ya friend! 'Ere, 'ave 100 sheng. Spen' it on whatcha like, eh?" He chuckles. Kiel clears his throat.

"Oh, 'ou wanned dis?" Mace turns his attention to Kiel. "'Ow bout 30 sheng, 'ow bout dat?" Mace asks.

"Sure." Kiel says and buys the bracelet. He grabs my hand and clasps the bracelet on my wrist.

"It's.... Perfect." I breath. I look up at Kiel and wrap my arms around him tightly. "Thank you." I whisper. I let go, and as I turn to Erin, I see her. No blue tips, wearing different clothes, but it's her. Our eyes meet.

"Jacque!" I scream.

[UNDER RECONSTRUCTION] Minerva- Book I in The Chronicles of LabrilantisWhere stories live. Discover now