Chapter IV- Erin

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"Jacque!" Lilly cries. I feel a lump in my throat.

"What happened!?" I ask. "Can't see, remember?"

"The girl, she came out-and then-she-she took J-Jacque!" She sobs.

"Let's follow them then, before they get too far ahead!" I say quickly, and pull her in the direction I heard the footsteps disappear. Lilly eventually takes the lead, since she can see where we're going, and I follow. I can tell she's exhausted, but she doesn't stop. Finally, she's to tired to go on.

"Erin, stop a second, I'm hungry." She says in a small voice. I hear her unzip her bag and grab out something. The smell of salt and vinegar flavouring fills the air, and hunger hits me in a wave. I slip off my pack and feel around for an apple. Instead, I find a banana. I peel it and eat it slowly, savouring the ripe taste. I finish it, throwing the peel away.

"Hey! That hit my face!" Lilly protests. I let out a giggle.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to." But my smile soon turns to a frown. How long have we been down here? 5 minutes? Ten? An hour? How would my mum be resting? My dad, when he gets home from work? My younger brother? Then I realise how stupid we've been. How are we going to get back up that hole we fell down to get here? Or even find our way back to it? Warm, salty tears fall down my face. I shake my head.

"Pull yourself together!" I mutter to myself. I hear soft, steady breathing, and know Lilly's asleep. I don't blame her. She's only 11, and her sister's been kidnapped from underneath her. Her twin sister. It's been a rough day for her. I imagine their mum, Sophie, who was always so soft-spoken, so kind to me, and feel heartbroken. She must be so scared. But at least she still has TJ.... TJ. Their older brother, he's in my class at school. I worked with him on a project at school called 'Life on Earth'. We did wolves, and he made the models. Even Lilly, who's so hard to impress, gasped in disbelief when she saw them, it was that good. I wish I could of seen them. But of course, I'm blind. I put down my backpack and lay my head on it like a pillow, wishing furiously I'm at home as I fall into sleep.

[UNDER RECONSTRUCTION] Minerva- Book I in The Chronicles of LabrilantisWhere stories live. Discover now