-Monster Behind Beauty-

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I slept for a good few hours, and when I woke, we were parked on the side of the road, the entire vehicle turned off. I glanced around to find Cole crashed out in the driver's seat and Scott asleep stretched out in the back with his feet hanging out of the open window. I stretched and as quietly as possible opened the door, climbing out and allowing by back to realign.

I stretched and began walking around beside the truck to gain feeling back in my legs. I looked around and found we were in an open field, the road beside where we were parked a literal dirt road. I felt giddy, having always wanted to be apart of a small town.

"You should get back in the truck before someone sees you." I heard Scott say softly, making me jump and turn to find him sticking his head out of the window his feet had previously been hanging from due to his tall frame.

"I will in a minute. I just needed to be out of the truck for a bit." I replied as softly, turning my back to him again, taking in a few more deep breaths as I let my muscles relax from being cramped in the Jeep. I sighed and turned to climb back in, only to see Scott exiting the Jeep himself. "What are you doing?" I ask, crossing my arms.

"Taking breath and stretch like you. It looked nice." he shrugged, coming to stand beside me, stretching out his muscles. I rolled my eyes and stepped away to go back to the Jeep and be away from him, but he grabbed my arm and pulled me to a stop. "Wait, will you at least hear me out?"

I crossed my arms and waited for him to speak, knowing nothing he would say would make me feel better after what I'd seen. "You have 2 minutes." I told him and waited.

"I know you think you understand what that was, but you don't. I thought Monica was married and away in London since I was 18. I never expected to see her again, let alone willing to be with me like I was with her before she left." He began and I wasn't catching how this was supposed to make me feel better. "I know this sounds dumb, but just hear me out." he sighed and continued his 'explanation. 

"It was my mom's dream for me to marry someone I cared for and she was still alive when I met and fell in love with Monica. She saw Monica as her second daughter, same as my Dad, while my sister treated Monica like a best friend. It was perfect." He said, just driving the sword deeper into my heart hearing how much his family adored her. "Then my Mom passed away and Monica's Dad introduced her to another family's oldest son, saying he would be pleased if they hit it off. We fought the pairing for as long as we could, but when my Mom passed I couldn't handle both mourning and fighting with him on it. She agreed to meet with him a few times and when she told me she loved him, I tried to be happy for her and move on. I ended up meeting Alison, but knew she was nothing to Monica. Soon after, Monica came back to me, telling me she was married, but unhappy. We began seeing each other in secret while I was with Alison and she was still married, but it wasn't long before he dragged her to London, away from me. I thought she would find happiness despite their arguments, and then I got your case and instantly fell for you." He explained, but I scoffed. 

"But again, it was nothing compared to what you had with Monica, am I right?" I asked, bitterly despite me trying not to let him hear it in my voice. I couldn't help it. 

"At first I thought I was just fascinated with you, but then I realized it was more!" he began shouting, trying to get his point across. "At first I thought nothing of it but soon, while waiting for you to wake up, I was beginning to realize I was growing feelings for you. It wasn't long and suddenly you meant more to me than Monica ever did!" He grabbed for my shoulders, but I shuffled away, enjoying the hurt look he gave me when I moved away from him. Good.

"You made that obvious when at the moment you saw her you two were glued to each other, me completely forgotten." I snapped hastily, taking another step away from him and his lies. "I obviously meant so much to you that you didn't bother correcting her when she claimed I was just the 'help' or correcting me when I told her you just let me borrow a fucking book! I meant so much to you that you took her up to our room to do God knows what with her!" I screamed, taking a small note of Cole jumping from the Jeep and coming around to us. He tried to pull me from Scott, but I wasn't done. "When were you going to break up with me, Scott? Before or after you two hooked up again?! Or were you going to cheat on me like you did Alison?! You know what they say, Scott, don't lie, don't cheat, and don't make promises you can't keep." I spat, and finally let Col drag me away from a heartbroken looking Scott who was frozen in his spot as I felt my heart break itself. 

"Hey, it's okay, Mae. It's going to be okay." Cole soothed, wrapping me in his arms as he guided us away from the Jeep, just far enough away for us to be away from Scott, but close enough to get back to it soon if we need to. "You're so strong, Mae. You're so strong, and you're right. I'm here for you if you need someone to talk to when you're ready. I'll make sure he doesn't bother you, okay? You're okay." He'd promised, cradling my head to his chest as I cried for all the truths I'd just spat out at Scott, knowing we could never go back to the way things were before Monica showed up. 

"Why can't I just be happy? Just once, I just want to be loved by someone who isn't a complete monster behind a beautiful face." I cried into his chest as he held me closer at my words. 

"You will. One day someone will come along and treat you like a Queen. I promise. And I won't break that promise." he whispered, holding me close as I cried. 



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