-Almost Goodbye-

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I screamed, but only a peep escaped because a callused hand was thrown over my mouth and I was lifted by the creeper. 

The door knob to the door began to jiggle signaling someone was trying to enter, but they obviously couldn't get in because it was locked. "Whoever's in there with her, open the door! No one is permitted to be in there alone with her!" Scott's voice called through the other side of the door. 

I let out a muffled scream, but I wasn't sure if he could hear it through the door. The creep holding me threw a damp towel over my mouth and nose saying, "Say goodbye to your Prince Charming, Princess."

I took a breath, and felt myself get slightly drowsy, and drowsier the more I breathed. As I began to black out again, the door was suddenly on the floor and Scott with some other guys came running in, stopping when they saw me.

"Step any closer and-" I heard creeper begin but I was out before he finished.

I shrank back at the sound of flesh slapping flesh and the sound of the girl falling to the ground with a sob. "Stand up! Princesses don't cry in front of others! Get up!" the guy, Robert, who kidnapped us all, shouted at her.

We were all dressed in elegant gowns that went all the way to the ground with expensive designs on them, and we all had crowns that were too tight, they scratched into our scalp and drew blood. 

Robert skid his hands over his slick hair to smooth out the pieces that were sticking up, before putting on a smile for us and saying, "Time for dinner, ladies!" And went over to the front of our "room", which consisted of, from what I counted, 32 cells, each cell filled with 5 girls dresses up like princesses, except mine. It was just me and the girl who just got slapped for speaking out if turn. 

We all exited and formed a line the second the cell doors opened, knowing if we didn't, we'd have a worse beating than Sally, my cell mate. 

We walked down the corridor and into Robert's "Ball Room" where 4 long tables were set in the center with 36 chairs surrounding them, and piled with food. It looked like the type of table a King would have.

"My Ladies, please, sit." Robert said and watched as each girl sat down, sitting in the same order as we were in when in line.

"Jax," Robert spoke, saying the name he'd given me, so I gave him my full attention. "Will you dance with me?" he asked.

I didn't want to be anywhere near him, and he knew that. I hated the guy, possibly a little more than any if the other girls here. He'd forced me to eat, almost choking me, then realized something was wrong with my digestion and had a doctor come and help me, so now I wasn't scared to eat, scared that I would throw it up. Right now I was hungry, and I knew if I danced with him, I wouldn't be able to eat.

"No thank you, King Robert." I said with a fake smile, addressing him the way he told us to.
His smile vanished and he began to make his way over to my chair, so I stood and tried backing away, but he was in front of me before I could take ten steps. His hand came flying to my face and connected to my left cheek with a loud slap before sending a punch at me followed by more. I was on the ground before I could say "Owe" and I heard the crack of my ribs before Robert took me by my hair and slammed my head into to stone floor, sending me into the pits if the blackness I've began to welcome every time we meet.

"CLEAN ALL THIS UP! I WANT THIS ROOM SPARKLING WHEN I GET BACK!" Robert shouted and shoved me back to the ground as he stormed past me to the exit of the "Ball Room". I knew if I don't start cleaning, this mess wouldn't ever be cleaned, and I would be killed, but being killed sounded much better than living this life.

4 months about to go on 5, I spent here, crying myself to sleep every night because I was always hoping Scott would find and save me. But it didn't look like that was going to be happening.
I was beginning to loose hope, but I had to keep fighting and believing that this stranger would care for me enough to come and save me.

He had to... He just did.



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