-No Turning the Tables-

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I lay down on the bed my physical body lays in and closed my eyes, willing my physical body to wake up.

I didn't wake my physical body, nope, instead I fell asleep.


My eyes fluttered open as I was blinded by a bright fluorescent light hanging above me. I squinted my eyes closed as I tried to ease my eyes into becoming accustomed to the bright light, but instead was then caused to go deaf because of yelling beside my ear.

"Oh my god! Oh my god! Someone call the doctor!" Scott's voice called frantically, causing my head to feel fuzzy from the sudden sound, followed by a pounding in my head.

"Owe, my head hurts." I said with a hoarse voice due to lack of water.

"I know, I know." he soothed as he took my hand in his, holding onto it tightly.

I held his back and tried smiling, but couldn't really make it very convincing since my brain was pounding against my skull at that exact moment.

"What's going on?" A deep voice-that I recognized as the doctor's voice- asked.

"She's awake!!!" Scott beamed, glancing happily behind him, before returning his gaze to me. 

"Well, welcome back, miss." He smiled down at me then ushered Scott to the side to to allow him to run some tests and check all those loud machines by my head.

"Well, your heart rate and blood pressure are fine and you injuries are almost done healing. The only thing is that you will still have headaches for a while, so I'll prescribe medication for that. But other than that, you're free to go tomorrow when ever you feel comfortable." Doc informed me, pleased with all the results as he beamed down at me.

"Why can't she leave today? You said she was pretty much fine." this was Josh who asked. He and my parents stood to the back, behind Scott who stood eagerly behind the doctor.

"Yes, I know, but we just need to monitor her over night. You are free to stay with her though." the doctor replied. "If that's all, I'll be going. Welcome back to us, miss." then he was out the door and on to check on his other patients.

Not even a second later, Scott was at my side holding my hand so tight you'd think he was planning on putting my hand on his his key chain to carry everywhere he goes. But it's the thought that counts, right?

"How dare you scare us like that. Do you realize how much sleep I lost worried about you? Do you realize how much weight I've lost? I was skinny enough!" Josh laughed from behind everyone who had crowed around me by now. Even though to others it may have sounded like he was being a selfish brat, me and my parents knew he was joking. "But seriously, Mae, don't scare us like that again." he laughed, along with everyone else as they all crowded around my hospital bed. 

"Noted." I laughed and rested further into the pillows. "When's the Doc coming with those meds? My head is still pounding." I asked with a pout, reaching up to rub my head a little, hoping to relieve some of the aching pain.

My parents laughed a little but I could see the worry in their eyes. "Soon, the poor guy just left. You gotta give him time to actually do his job. The mans not a magician." Dad smiled, but it still didn't quite reach his eyes. I could see the frown lines and sadness lingering in his eyes, remembering what might have been. 

"Is there anything we could get you sweetheart?" Mom asked with the same false smile that didn't reach her eyes. She, like all of the people surrounding my bed, looked like she'd lost a little weight and had better nights sleep than she was getting lately.

"More water would be helpful." I mumble, not looking at any of them in the eye anymore, closing my eyes so I didn't have to see them worry.

"I'll get it." Scott suddenly said, before anyone else could claim the job, making me snap my eyes open to look and see him already practically rushing to the door.

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