-What a Gentleman-

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I woke to the sound of the shower running, and someone humming an unknown tune to me. When I looked to my left, I found it was empty. I smiled as the person, or now more accurately, Scott began to try to hit very high notes, his voice cracking in the process. This went on for a good 20 minutes before the shower shut off, and he stepped out, fully dressed, toothbrush in mouth, and wet hair still dripping a little.

"A little more practice and you'll have a good shot at winning American Idol." I laughed, as he looked at me.

He stopped and smiled at me from the doorway to the bathroom. "Well you know," he sighed. "I have always had this amazing vocal talent." He said, very dramatically.

I laughed, "I can tell."

He smiled, "Give me a minute and then you can jump in. I was planning on going out for breakfast." He told me. "If you feel up for it." He added as his eyes swept over my shoulder.

"I'm fine, just a little pain." I told him. "Nothing I haven't handled with before. I'll survive." I told him with a smile, but his never made an appearance.

"You shouldn't have to deal with this though." he said, disappearing into the bathroom a minute before coming out, no toothbrush. Climbing in the bed, he hovered above me a minute, kissing my lips, then moved the part of my shirt that covered the layered bandages that covered the wound.

Scott placed kisses on all the skin surrounding the bandage. He began to make his way up back to my lips, then lingered there for some time. His kisses were soft and gentle, and I was enjoying every moment, taking it and engraving it in my memory.

He pulled back, resting his forehead against mine, then placed a kiss against my left temple. He sat back a little and looked at my face, as if he were taking it and putting this memory into a safe, locking it and keeping it safe from the world.

"I'm sorry." he said, looking down at my wound, then back at me. "I'm sorry." he repeated, laying his head against my chest.

"You didn't know that gun would have been there at that exact moment. There was nothing you could have done." I told him honestly. "I'm fine." I told him when I saw e didn't believe me.

I pulled his face up to look at him in the eyes and repeated, "I'm fine. I promise." I told him, then pulled his lips onto mine, to show him.

He smiled into the kiss, never letting the kiss stop. I smiled and allowed him to dominate the kiss as we just lay there for who knows how long.


I lifted my head from Scott's chest, to look at the time, and found it was past 1.

"If you want to go out for food, lunch will have to do. Its past 1." I told him, with a small laugh.

He looked at the clock as well. "Well look at that." he smiled. "You want me to run you a bath?" He asked suddenly.

I nodded and he smiled, disappearing into the bathroom. The sound if the water running was heard, and then he reappeared and came up to me, helping me sit up and then lifted me up, and took me to the bathroom, helping me undress until I was in my undergarments. "I'll get you a towel to wrap around yourself so I can put you in the tub." He explained then disappeared a minute before returning, holding the towel up, giving me privacy, then he helped wrap it around me before helping me I to the tub. "I'll step out a minute, give you privacy. Call me when you're ready, ok?" He asked, waiting at the doorway.

"Yeah, I'll be quick." I told him and watched as he nodded, then walked out, cracking the door a little.

I bathed and washed my hair, finding it somehow had blood in it, which almost had me puking.

I tried standing, trying to be independent, but slipped, falling to my butt. I was able to stop myself before my head hit the tub, but instantly, Scott was at the door.

"What happened? Are you ok?" He asked as he came up to the tub.

I tried covering myself as I answered, "Yeah, can you give me that towel?" I asked, but he was already throwing it over me.

"What happened?" He asked, worry still evident in his eyes.

"I was trying to be independent, and tried standing using the wall for support, but that didn't exactly work." I explained, frustrated with myself for needing assistance and not being able to do something as simple as standing on my own.

Scott sighed, "Mae, your leg is still healing, plus you tried holding yourself up with your injured shoulder. That could have done more damage to you." He explained, softly. "Please don't try that again?" He begged.

I sighed, hating the feeling of being treated like a child. "Okay." I said allowing Scott to lift me out of the tub. He set me on the toilet, then began to help me dry off, without moving the towel to where he saw something he wasn't supposed to. He handed me a stack of clothes and turned around as I put on my undergarments. When my private areas were covered, he helped me finish dressing.

Once I was dressed and clean he took me into the bedroom, sat me on the bed, and busted out a random brush. He began to comb my hair out, smoothing it out with one hand, while the other ran the brush through it.

He stopped and came to face me, "Sorry I can't do anything fancy with your hair, you'll have to stay with your hair down." he said sheepishly.

I smiled and leaned forward kissing him, "That's perfect. Thank you for helping me with everything and giving me privacy when I needed it. It means a lot." I told him honestly. 

He smiled back and kissed me again, standing. "That's what I'm here for. Come on, let's go eat lunch." He said, lifting me into his arms.

"Are you going to tell me all the secrets you've kept?" I asked, wrapping my own arms around his neck as he moved us towards and out of the bedroom door, me closing it behind us.

"Right now." He promised and walked us out into the hallway, and out I to the garage.



(Possibly one of my favorite animated movies from when I was little!!!! I love Thumbelina!!!!!!! And the song *cries in Spanish*)

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