-Home Sweet H-E- Double-Hockey-Stick-

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"Mae, Mae wake up. Come on, we're here." a voice spoke softly, and I slowly emerged from my peaceful sleep.

My eyes fluttered open, and I found Scott standing beside the truck with the door closest to me wide open and my head resting on the headrest behind me. I felt disoriented and sleepy, making me yawn and stretch before trying to take in my surroundings, coming up with a blank at the unfamiliar sight.

"Where are we?" I asked, trying to get hold of my bearings.

"Home." was all I got from Scott-BIG SHOCKER THERE- before he took me out of the truck and carried me toward this huge house we were parked in front of.

Around the house was a forest like area, but then when I got a better look, it couldn't have been a forest, there weren't enough trees for it to be a forest, at least I don't think there were.

"Scott, where are we?" I asked more awake now. When he didn't answer, I began to attempt to get out of his hold, totally fed up with his secrets and him keeping information from me all the time.

"Would you quite it! You making us look bad!" He whispered harshly in my ear followed by a harsh glare.

"I don't give a damn how other people look at me. I thought I was suppose to be able to trust you, but with all your stupid secrets I'm done getting hurt-emotionally and physically- because you don't think I should know or can handle it. Now let me down and allow me to hobble back to the hospital where I'm around people who tell me everything." I snapped back in his face. Hmph, see how he likes it.

Suddenly, his face went from an olive color to a bright red as his patience ran out. "Shut. UP, Mae. For once in your damn life would you please shut up!" he snapped, keeping eye contact with me as if it were supposed to scare me into obeying. 

"Well if you don't want to hear me talk then take me back to my family! If you don't care about what I have to say then take me back to people who do care about my well being, because you obviously don't!" I was about to stop but I found immense satisfaction in how angry he was getting. So I took it another step, "You know all these secrets you've been hiding haven't ever proven to do me any good like you intended, so why continue hurting me?"

I hadn't realized he stood still until this exact moment and I suddenly got scared he would just drop me like a sack of potatoes and walk off.

"How is it possible for someone to be so ungrateful?" He muttered and continued toward the door.

"Ungrateful? UNGRATEFUL?! Don't you talk to me about ungrateful!!!" I yelled, totally shocked at his last statement. "Yes I'm ungrateful because everything that has happened to me has been the result of some secret you've kept from me! I have gotten so close to death so many times because of you and you call me ungrateful!?! So what do want me to say, 'Oh Scott, I'm so sorry I don't see the light in all my misery and pain you've caused me, I'm so thankful for almost dying as many times as I have because of you. Thank you Scott, Thank you.' Would you like me to tell you that?!" I asked, but he just shook his head with obvious anger boiling inside him. Good, I'm done with his bull crap.

We walked in and I saw Cole pass by, and just then a plan formed.

"Cole," I called, and he stopped in his tracks, eyes wide as he looked our direction.

"Please don't get me killed, Mae." he begged, fear bright in his eyes.

"You won't be killed, but can you take me to whatever room I was supposed to stay in?" I asked.

Cole looked to Scott then back at me. "Well, you were supposed to stay in the same room as Scott, so I inferred he would take you." He told me, looking between the two of us.

"That's not going to work." I said and tried once more to get out of Scott's hold. "Well can you tell this oaf to let go of me?" I asked.

"Not a chance." Scott grumbled and walked toward a set of stairs. "You and I will still be sharing a room, no matter what you do or say." he snapped and continued until we stood in front of a big mahogany door. He entered and set me on one side of the King size bed, before he walked through another set of doors within the room.

He disappeared in there for a bit before emerging in a different outfit, one that seemed like something you would sleep in.

Before I could process anything, a huge t-shirt landed on my face while Scott's laughter filled the room. "I'll help you to the bathroom then give you some privacy to change so we can go to bed. I will explain everything in the morning over breakfast. Deal?" He asked, and it was then I noticed just how tired and stressed he looked, almost making me feel guilty for my outburst a few minutes ago, but like I said, almost.

I thought it over and as much as I wanted all the info now, even with all the sleep I'd been getting, I was pretty tired.

"Fine." I grumbled and allowed him to carry me to the bathroom where I changed into the huge t-shirt I soon found out belonged to him. He carried me back to the bed and helped me settle in before moving to climb in on the other side.

"Wow wow wow there mister!" I exclaimed, making him freeze, still holding the thin bed sheet up where he froze as he was trying to adjust it to cover us. He looked at me expectantly, so I asked, "What do you think you're doing?" 

He gave me a confused look before saying, "Going to bed, why what are you doing?" He asked, looking at me with mock skepticism. 

"Um no. Nope, I am not sharing a bed with you, sorry." I informed him, refusing to lay down until he moved.

"Well then what are we going to do?" He asked, but I just gave him that look that said 'you know'. "If you're trying to say I'm sleeping on the floor, you're mistaken Missy." he sassed.

"Well I'm not sleeping on the floor and nor am I sharing a bed with a guy I barely decided to try dating but we've already been fighting." I explained. "That leaves you with the floor." I explained, plastering on a pleasant smile as I waited for him to move. 

But instead we argued. Again.







He gave out a heavy sigh before saying, "Fine! But not tomorrow!" He then took some of the blankets and his pillow sending me a glare the whole time, before he set up camp on the floor.

He poked his head up looking at me with puppy dog eyes, then asked, "Yore sure you don't want me up there?"

"Positive." I grinned and snuggled into the mattress.

"Brat." he grumbled.

"Heard that." I said.

"You were meant to." he replied.

It was silent for a while, then, "Goodnight, Mae."

"Goodnight, Scott." and then I was out like a light.



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