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New Orleans

Four girls in white are lead to the steps. "Our magic feeds as our ties to our ancestors weaken over time. We beseech them, except this offering as a sign of our faith." The elder witch, Bastiana, says. They all kneel, and they begin. She then calls upon the four elements, and places her bloody finger on there foreheads for a perfect circle.

The wind increases. The elder places the tip of the dagger in the fire, and pulls it away, as the tip glows orange. Abigail steps forward, but Sophie Deveraux interrupts. "No, stop! Bastianna, stop! You have to stope! Bastiana, please don't do this!" She yells, as a man capture her.

The elder turns back to the young girl. "To be born, you must sacrifice. Do you have faith?" Bastiana continues. The blond sticks out her palm, waiting for the prick, but the elder pulls her closer.

Abigail falls to the ground bleeding, and the other three harvest girls try to escape, only to be caught.

Cassie is pushed forward, and is given the same fate. "Monique Deveraux." Bastiana says. "No! No!" Daviana calls from the side. Sophie and Daviana scream for them to stop, but no one answers.

A whistle is heard from above a tomb, and vampires start to jump down. One by one, they end the murderous witches, but they are to late to save Monique Deveraux. "Monique, no!" Daviana Sinclair calls in pain to her fallen best friend.

The only harvest girl left begs for the man holding her captive to let go, but he ignores her. She headbuds him, and Marcel Gerald vamp speeds to them. He ends the man, and holds the girl in his chest. "Come here. I've got you." He yells her.

Daviana looks to her fallen peers, and sticks her arm out. The power of the ancestors, as well as the three other harvest girls, makes it way into her.

The vampires leave the horrific scene, and Marcel brings Daviana with him.

Mystic Falls, Virginia

Deep in a cave, a young girl lays on a bed of stone. Her skin no longer white, but now covered with veins risen to the surface. Her lips, once pink and full, are now sunken and grey. Her once straight, brown hair, now curled and faded. Her once beautiful, white dress, now torn and covered in dirt.

The earth starts to shake, and a light is made at the painted pink toes of the still beautiful girl. The light slowly travels up her legs, then up her arms. It then falls from her head, and meets at her heart. The light shines bright, and retreats into her body. The once decaying girl, has now been restored to her former beauty.

The sleeping beauty opens her eyes with a gasp. Her once ocean blue and sea green eyes are now bright as fire. She looks into the puddle of water made from the condensation of the cave, and sees herself for the first time in two years. She feels her face, and sees that it really is her. Callie May Salvatore is back.

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