Chapter 2- Head Shot.

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(Dedicated to Ashburns for the first comment on this story <3 )

Photo: Maya Bell .

The rays of sun burned my eyes as they cracked open to my sleeping partners. 

Hailey was curled up in a small ball next to my dirty shoes, softly snoring. While on the other hand, Maya was sprawled out next to her metal box snoring loud enough to drawl attention from the walkers.

Crawling over I shook her awake. "You're being to loud. You're going to attract the walkers."

She rubbed her make-up smeared face sitting up, "What time is it?" 

I shrugged my shoulders as I stood, taking a can from the worn shelve that held the supplies. "I'll make us some food then we can head out. We are a few towns away from the Evac. Station."

I used the hand can opener to rip open the metal can, pouring its contents into the metal pan over a burner in the middle of the room. 

"Should we take some of the supplies with us? There aren't any safe houses once we hit Oldenburg to get to the next town." Maya asked, unzipping the black backpack in front of her. "Yes..but not all of them, save some for the next people to come." 

I wonder how long the army is going to be waiting for us at the station.. or it there even is a station still. We have to pass through seven towns to get to the evacuation center and each town has a new wave of infected lurking in its blacked out streets. 

I pushed away the grim thought and shook the pot, stirring the green beans that were slowly boiling. The shuffling of med kits and cans clanking together in the back pack was getting on my shot nerves easily as Maya finally quit, sitting next to me on the cold, hard, concrete. "Hailey looks beat. Maybe we should just camp out here for a while and then-"

I cut Maya's idea off quickly "The army isn't going to wait just because a little girl is a little sleepy. Shes a strong girl, she can keep up." 

Maya pursed her lips as Hailey stirred, but quickly settled again. "And besides...they said we should keep moving, and avoid the infected.. they will find us eventually with your bloody arm." 

Shame crossed her face as she remembered her wipe out yesterday as we ran from the hunter.

My blue eyes wondered to the box on the floor which read 9:35. We need to get moving. 

If we wait until noon the walkers will start to reek more than usual. "Wake up Hailey, we have to eat and move." I commanded to Maya, who obeyed with out a second thought, crossing the room again to wake my sister. 

She was quickly at my side, picking up the beans from the pot with her fingers. "Good! I was so hungry!" She whined shoving a fist full in her mouth. 

I simply nodded as I took a few for myself and savored them. 

After the food was gone from the pot and cries for a little more we were packed and ready to move. 

"Do you remember what to do when you see a walker?" I asked Hailey who's fear played clearly on her face. 

"Stay in the shadows so he doesn't see  you. And if it does- run." 

I praised her as Maya took the metal rod from the door,making it unsecured. 

Her head poked out of the room and gazed left to right. "Clear."

Cautiously she steeped from the room with the pipe held tightly in her hands. "I don't hear the Hunter either.. come on." She motioned as we stepped from our sanctuary.

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