I think it is just fitting to leave on the 11th of September. I don’t know why, but I do. I guess that doesn’t make much sense, but it’s best not to question me, especially when I don’t know the answer.
Today I left the house with my cell phone (which thankfully doesn’t have a tracking system) and a backpack. The backpack had a water bottle, a flashlight, batteries, an unopened box of Wheat Thins, an extra change of clothes, $400, and all my legal documents (like my birth certificate) which I had found in my step-parent’s bottom desk drawer, typical. I started off to the off skirts of town, were there were only farms, and fields for miles. I could sleep in old abandoned barns, and could be out of site of the road. I left at normal time for school, but instead of going to school, I turned down a different road. I ran past farms putting as much distance between me and my home as possible. Since I was terrible at running, I quickly tired after a couple miles and had to move down to a fast paced walk. I knew it would take me longer, but I had thousands of miles before me and not much rest time. I didn’t make it more than 25 miles, but I felt it was good enough. With all this running, maybe I could finally get good at it.
Now I’m in an old abandoned barn. I can’t wait for morning so I can set out again. I don’t know where I’m going, but I’m just excited to get away from the home.